
Friday, December 7, 2018

Reflecting on My One Word

In a year of challenges and small triumphs, my one word, hope, journeyed with me. Sometimes, hope led me when I needed support. Other times hope lingered behind waiting for me to pause to notice new possibilities and routes to follow. Hope was there when I needed a listener and gave me the strength to wipe away tears. It brought me smiles and the confidence to forge ahead. 

Oftentimes, hope stayed in the background but there were many times it popped up to remind me of its commitment to guide me on my journey. I found hope in many places, in images, positive feelings, my grandbaby's smile, and small triumphs. Hope nudged me to stop worrying about what needed to be accomplished. It signaled me to relax in the presence of a new day but life has its way of causing interruptions and bringing uncertainties to the forefront. Meeting those challenges takes strength, faith, and hope.

This week, I leaned on my one word to accomplish what I needed to do. There were doctor, dentist, and physical therapy visits, and also yoga classes to de-stress. Autumn decorations needed to be replaced by Christmas items. It seemed as if there was hardly any time to pause. I needed time to relax, write, and reflect. The opportunity came after another trying visit to the dentist. 

As I walked outside, I noticed the pond across the street. It called me to stop by. Granted it was very cold outside and I had many errands to run but I knew I would regret not pausing to catch my breath and observe nature. It was when I made the decision to stop that I realized hope was leading me toward the pond. There was a mass of ducks huddling together, probably trying to keep warm. All was peaceful on the pond. The ripples were gentle. I felt calm and relaxed taking photos of the scene until an intruder came in honking and flapping his wings. I started thinking, "Isn't that what happens in life?" Distractors are all around. 

For several days, I have been thinking about the pond and the photos I took. Then at the beginning of yoga today the teacher asked the class to think about the sounds that may be distracting us. She added that it is up to us to put aside the distractors and focus. I know that I have been distracted by interruptions and to do lists. I have questioned my ability to persevere. I called upon hope to become my support and I wrote as a cathartic act.

Hope continues to be present in my life as a gentle, supportive guide that exists in this world of challenges and triumphs. 

Life is fragile and uncertain but possibilities wait around the bend if we have faith

Tonight I join my writing friends at Irene Latham's blog for Spiritual Journey first Thursday. We are reflecting on how our spiritual journeys have been impacted and influenced by our one little word. 

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