
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Leadership Moving Learning Communities Forward

Yesterday, #satchat's engaging conversation on Twitter was buzzing with viewpoints on vision and the role of educational leaders. Participants from across the states shared ideas, exchanged comments, and posted links to their blogs to enhance the dialogue. During a fast-paced, one hour time frame, the PLN once again brought the value of a shared network of committed collaborators to educators around the country.  

Vision is not static. It guides leaders on their journeys. It is the lens needed by all stakeholders to strategically impact a learning community. In a world of constant information and flux, vision is the commitment to the development of a culture of learning and achievement despite challenges. Without vision, organizations cannot move forward affecting teaching and learning in a positive way. 

To those principled, flexible, educational leaders who build communities of trust and collaboration during trying times, I dedicate these thoughts.

Educational leaders are principle-centered travelers on a journey of professional growth
Who gracefully embrace and affect change.
They are visionaries with souls, creative problem solvers,
Carefully creating trusting relationships through team building and shared vision.

Educational leaders are learners and transferors of knowledge
Who assess, apply, and move forward on the road to instructional change with innovative ideas and tools,
Bringing passion and engagement to the forefront of learning.

As communicators and promoters of teaching and learning, 
Educational leaders daily reflect, empower others to achieve, and propel communities forward,
Guiding staff to delve deeply into rich instructional practices.

Educational leaders are the champions, the guides, the mentors, and the doers
Who push their thinking to affect continuous growth in staff and students.
Courageously, they collaborate, persevere, and adapt to situations despite difficulties
As they bring about positive change in teaching and learning.

For those interested in informing your learning life, join in on the Satchat talks on Saturday mornings at 7:30 am on Twitter, #satchat. I am sure you will be as pleased with the conversations as I have been. 

Comments are welcomed.

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