
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Painting the Canvas of Life with Positive Brush Strokes

Every day is an opportunity for me to paint a new section on a canvas called life. With hope, an artist's eye, and an enthusiastic spirit, I choose the right hues to inspire my thoughts and guide my brush. Each stroke is carefully placed to fill a space then, reflected upon. I celebrate each lifting of the brush as I connect the strokes.

This year, positivity is my guide. I wake each morning to immerse myself in positive thinking. With this fresh attitude, I start my day by painting my canvas with bright, vivid colors. I open my heart to possibilities in the face of challenges that may come my way, chasing away negativity and fears that may creep into my thinking. I listen to my heart, others around me who guide my way, and the murmurings of nature that lead my thinking within. 

There is much reflective thinking needed to make positivity a mantra. I try to quiet the chatter, to become still with nature. Last January, my one little word openness served me well. It allowed me to pause and look within. The OLW I chose spoke to me. Resolute led to openness. Pause found its way in as a reflective move to let openness carry me further on my journey. Now, my mind, heart, and spirit asked listen to guide my journey. 

Recently, I have been pondering life thoughts by two great thinkers from past eras:  Henry David Thoreau and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. While writing down the quotes, I listen to their callings and find meaning in the words.

The world is but a canvas to the imagination.
Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.

Positivity has become my guide on the journey of life. I try each day to immerse myself in positive thinking so I can paint my canvas with bright, vivid colors that open my heart to possibilities. In the face of challenges that may come my way, I rely on faith and positivity to get me through. 

Will I be successful on my journey? 
but if I take a misstep, 
I shall not falter. 
I will pick up my brush 
and paint a new scene, 
step back to reflect, 
and move on. 

It is my hope that this reflection, my slice of life thought, will allow others to be filled with faith, hope, and positivity as they walk their journey this year. 

Now please stroll over to Two Writing Teachers 
where you will find the Slice of Life 
and the offerings of various slicers.

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