
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Which Will It Be?

I am out and about today in between appointments. I savor the moments of sunshine and warm weather-38 degrees and counting. The balminess of a March day that can't decide what it wants to be is felt.  My neighbor is outside with a shovel in her hand and we exchange laughter because shovel in hand, snow, water puddles, and frozen ice mounds are typical sights in the neighborhood. Snow shovels mark the perimeter of my house as symbols of what is to come.

As I start my day, I am appreciative of the winter snowsun that seems ready to melt some of the ice away. What a treat!  So off we go.

Everywhere I travel I find potholes-small ones, medium-sized ones, and big gapping holes in the roadways. Driving is a challenge. I need to dodge the holes in the streets. My son comments, "It's like being on a buggy ride today." Indeed! 
Up and down,
we go.
Must we drive
oh, so slow?

Headline reads-Potholes have become just another part of the daily grind for New Yorkers. 

Channel 12 News spot announces that there is a shortage of salt to melt the ice.

It starts to rain-a change from snow but the big sign on the parkway flashes: 
Weather advisory from 7 pm to 7 am. 

Will the rain turn to snow and freeze leaving ice?

Will there be school closings? 

Will our LILAC/NRC Conference keynote presenters, Dick Allington and Pam Munoz Ryan, be able to travel into the New York airports before the storms hits Long Island? 

Suspense mounts. 

Which Will It Be?

The itchy, twitchy feeling 
begins to swell.
I know it well.
People squirm
as weathermen tell.
Rain, snow, ice
Roll of the dice.
Which will it be?
Tomorrow we'll see. 


Power outage cuts all lights. Computer goes down. I sit in total darkness with no flashlight in sight. Shades of Superstorm Sandy days.  

Stay tuned for more weather reports and how they impact life as I know it. In the meantime, I hope your roadways don't look like this:

It's Day 4 of the SOLSC. Check out Two Writing Teachers' Slice of Life Story Challenge and #SOL15 for record breaking numbers of offerings from bloggers across the states. 

Please also stroll over to Heidi Mordhorst's my little universe site to see the Forward...MarCH Challenge. Today's word is twitch. 

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