
Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Did you ever stop to reflect on why there is such a bounty of positive feelings during the month of April? Is it the opportunity to become one with nature or the rebirth of life that makes humans want to break out of the cold weather months or be unencumbered by heavy and dark clothes to feel the warmth of a new season? 

I do know that I feel optimistically positive during the month of April. It happened last year and once again this year. April signifies abundance: the opening of the spring season, voices raised in poetic writing, and the joy of the awakening of the earth. April is a month of possibilities and opportunities to break out of a sheltered cocoon to feel a newness and freedom from old ways and routines.   

Last April, I felt a strong creative surge and so I designed the second virtual gallery of artistic expressions, April Awakenings. The gallery became my outlet for creative thought and a rebirth of poetic compositions. For quite some time prior to that season, I was not weaving thoughts as frequently as in the past. Because I was reflecting in quiet and my voice needed to join with others, I felt a strong pull to create a community of reflective writers.  April Awakenings was a way to renew my journey of writing and provide a space for voices to come together. 

You can access the April Awakenings Virtual Gallery here.


Stretched along the horizon of boundless skies
lies a rainbow of colored hues:
pale pinks, brilliant blues,
yellowed sunflowers, jeweled greens.
Its path lightens the dreariness
of a rain-covered day.
In the expansive wonder, 
hope waits to be plucked
from its jewel-toned painting.
CVarsalona © 2015

My Poetry Parade will continue after the month of April, throughout the season of spring with a new gallery, Spring's Symphony. I am optimistic that reflective writers will listen for the music of springtime to compose poems paired with photos that will give tribute to a season of renewal. 
I wrote the following as a tweet during one of Monday night's chats and it is a fitting ending to my post. Blogging is the act of allowing your voice to be raised as you reach out to others.  

Today's post and poem are being offered to the following writing challenges:

Two Writing Teachers

Mary Lee Hahn
Emotion of the Day is Optimism

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