
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Celebrating Change

Changes in weather patterns were multi-layered and led to some problem solving this week. The movement from crisp, cool air autumn air to mild and beautiful Indian Summer days and nights had Long Islanders wondering what was next. Layers were needed at the onset of the week, inviting the start-up of my home's heating system but by mid-week Indian Summer returned. Types of clothing and bed linens were then rethought but not for long. Warmer pieces were needed again by the end of the week. The weather channel became the barometer for what to wear when taking reflective walks along the beach. Back and forth changes occurred, reminding me that life is a cycle of change that we must embrace.

From Sheepshead's Bay to the Atlantic Ocean, Indian Summer captured the beauty of the water's edge. 

The highway noted a few transformations

while my neighborhood reflected autumnal changes. 

The zen master, Lao Tzu's inspirational quote provided me with wisdom on why change must be accepted as part of the ebb and flow of life.
Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.
This week autumn was present in its many changes. Accepting unexpected dilemmas and understanding that doubt is part of life's walk were part and parcel of this week's journey. 

"Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like", echoed in my ears yesterday as I was ready to send my post off to the Celebrate This Week community hosted by Ruth Ayres. When it vanished into cyberspace I decided rather than lamenting my loss to accept it, and moved on to celebrate a friend's wedding. By the way, when I tried to take photos of the event, my iPhone shut off leaving me with another blip. Despite the unexpected changes I am still celebrating. An attitude of acceptance has allowed me to refuel my thought bank with a new post. 

As an educator, I always speak about the importance of change to inspire new thoughts and new directions on our journey so I celebrate change that moves me out of my comfort zone. In order to impact life, learning, and teaching we need to embrace changes that come our way or be responsible for creating change and what it brings. 
Change always comes bearing gifts. -Price Pritchett
Autumn has given me the gift of tranquility as it changes its landscape daily.

"When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills." (Chinese proverb) I want to be the windmill builder so I celebrate change. May you be filled with the spirit of positivity and acceptance as you celebrate this week.

Please visit Celebrate This Week  to read how other bloggers are celebrating their week. 

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