
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Digital Dream Tool

When I was young I used to dream upon a dandelion, calling it my wish flower. Today, I still stop to pick a dandelion in the spring and watch my wish float into the universe. During a #whatisschool Twitter conversation about dream tools, I wondered about digital resources of the future. I recalled an image of me as a child blowing my wish out into the world. Now in my adult years I am still wishing upon a dandelion but realize that:
You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.    -C.S. Lewis
If I had a dandelion weed now, I would wish for a digital dream tool in the shape of an interactive app. It would be an all-inclusive word-weaving resource with capabilities to immediately pull content on a topic and spin it into a digital inspiration. Being more specific, the app would be able to capture all of my photos and tag them into different topics for easy access. It would also have a button to link to free photo sites (the photo above came from Photos for Class). When designing an inspirational message, the app would intuitively match nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs together. It would also be sound activated so I could direct the app to blend certain words together to form a motivational quote, eduinspiration, or haiku. For Twitter aficionados, the message could be spun into a 140 character twihaiku or micropoem to be sent out into the Twittersphere with or without a photo. 

If I had my druthers, this digital dream tool/app would sit at my creation table and assist me in sending random acts of poetry out into the universe. It would be so much easier than the process I use now: finding a photo, digitalizing it with effects using PicMonkey or other photo-editing tools, weaving words into a haiku (paper and pencil-old school style), transferring the poem to the image so it matches the flow of the photo, and then signing off.

But until then I will continue to wish upon a dandelion 
for my digital dream tool as I weave words. 

Do you have a digital dream tool in mind?

Please visit Two Writing Teachers where you will find the Tuesday Slice of Life. An anchor chart, Strategies for Generating Ideas for Personal Narrative Writing, is found there. 

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