
Friday, October 9, 2015

Poetically Speaking

There is wonder in words as they combine into thoughts. I call this merging, word weaving. One word intertwines with another until a finely crafted tapestry is created. When I happened upon two events in the world of poetry this week, Random Acts of Poetry Day (October 7th) and National Poetry Day (October 8th), I stopped, wondered, and began to weave words into poems. Twitter hashtags, such as #NationalPoetryDay, #poetrydayuk, #poetrydayuk, and #thinkofapoem, were venues open to poetically speak so I decided to fully immerse myself in the fall season and create.

In hopes of finding the beauty of the season to write about, I walked local paths observing natural objects. From what I collected, I crafted autumn decorations, adorning the inside and outside of my house with seasonal visuals. In between the DIY projects, I wove words to celebrate my love for poetry. Then, I digitalized expressions of the natural beauty and sent them out via Twitter as part of Random Acts of Poetry Day with hopes of brightening others' lives. Beside those acts, I virtually celebrated poetry with young students in Texas who showcased their work at a Poetry Cafe. I even went so far as to design an invitation with a poem for the finding fall gathering at my house this weekend. 

While becoming one with words, I joined hundreds of tweachers and tweeps who celebrated poetic language this week. This led me to one tweet showcasing Mary Oliver reading her poetry. One video led to another. A NPR interview caught my interest and provided me with a fountain of thoughts to satisfy my thirst for beautifully crafted words.

As Oliver talked about her fondness of the natural world and how she finds new words, I felt as though she was reaching out to me. 
I pay close attention to things, see new details...I love the choreography of the poem on the page. To find a new word you have to be alert.
Mary Oliver's advice will continue to inspire me to find fall this season as I design Autumn's Palette Gallery. I do hope you will write alongside me for a global gallery of artistic expressions. One digital expression to provide a perspective on the majesty of autumn's colors is all it takes to bring the natural world to the page. 

Please visit the Poetry Friday Round-up here. It is being hosted by Laura Purdie Salas, an inspired colleague. Laura is showcasing one of her two poems that have been included  in an inspired book of poetry, the Book of Nature Poetry, edited by J.Patrick Lewis with National Geographic.

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