
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Celebrating Replays

Today, as I begin to celebrate a week of perpetual motion, I wish for a replay button to press. Televisions have them but life does not, so I linger in thought for a moment or two before moving on to the next event. 

Celebrate the Week's Replays

Quiet Time:
Last Sunday, I gave myself permission to bring quiet into my life for a short retreat. 

Later during the day, I went for a family walk and was treated to a beautiful sight that left me in awe. Nature often does that. You can read about that here.

Online Connections:
It's National Poetry Month so I invited many connected educators and colleagues together  for a celebration at NYEDChat. The discussion, April is Poetrylicious, was fast-paced and filled with resources for active conversations in classrooms or for personal writing. You can visit the archives here. 

Minor Inconvenience:

When life paused from an unexpected happening, I tried to laugh about the chipped front tooth (after the upset wore off). A trip to the dentist (three days later) brought a smile back to my face. You can read the post and poem here

Face-To-Face Connections:
This was a full week of presentations that led to many face-to-face connections starting with the Long Island Connected Educators Summit. A highlight was filling an after school workshop with at least fifty educators who were all actively listening and engaging in the workshop I delivered on Teaching Students to Ask  Deeper Questions  to Uncover Meaning in Text. I always enjoy active conversations. 

Poetry Flowed:
The week rounded off with a poem captured at the Easter Renewal Mission and one for Poetry Friday to rejoice in springtime as new growth salutes life.

Now please celebrate with Ruth Ayres at Celebrate This Week who is happy to announce her first eBook, JUMP IN: Great Teaching Begins in the Pool. As Ruth says, this book is "so much more than teaching writers, though. It's about how sharing stories changes people-forever." I am delighted to be one of the educators who were the first readers. If you go to the site highlighted above, you will be able to have your own copy of this wonderful text. 

This was another week to celebrate life!

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