
Monday, April 25, 2016


When Margaret Simon tweeted that the focus of DigiLit Sunday would be on form, my mind started wondering. Where would I go with that word? Then, I joined my yoga class and in the quiet started thinking about form, a physical sensation of where I place my body in relation to the mat. Each time the teacher called for another pose in the flow sequence, the word form kept popping up. I would check my position while listening to the instructions. 

My yoga teacher modeled, prompted, and even positioned us as she traveled around the room. She was the guide, the facilitator. Her words, "No stress," were reminders to try our best and not worry because yoga is about our practice, not perfection. The final statement refocused my thoughts. "Have faith. Believe in yourself. Find the possibilities." 

As I left the studio, I realized that the yoga class can be compared to the writing class. We ask students to try out different forms for first attempts, with a risk-taking, non-stress attitude. The teacher as the facilitator models, guides, circulates, and encourages each learner just like my yoga instructor did. 

Writing is about practice, risk-taking, and the ability to try a form or improve on it. It is about listening to the teacher, stretching oneself, and feeling proud of what is accomplished. 

Carrying the wisdom of the yoga studio home with me, I played with form as I composed. Initial formatting steps lead to other models. Once there was a comfort level attained, it was fun to try out something different with a no stress policy.

You can see the different formats that I worked with last week here

Here's to another week of creating a #poemaday for National Poetry Week! 

Please visit Margaret Simon at DigiLit Sunday to read more about form.

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