
Sunday, May 29, 2016


“Humans see what they want to see.” ~Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief
When Margaret Simon, host of DigiLit Sunday, tweeted that the word perspective would be our topic this week, I realized that there are so many ways to look deeply at what this word means to me. I'll start with a synonym poem.

Perspective is a viewpoint,
frame of mind that takes
a stance on life, relationships,
work, play, and love.
Perspective is an outlook, 
a window into a world of 
hurried feet, racing to a beat.
It is a position propelled
by choice (solely ours),
leading to voice.
If perspective could speak
it might approach life 
as an onlooker waiting
for the right moment
to provide its own
point of view.
Yea! Nay!
What's your perspective?
©CVarsalona, 2016 

My daughter took this photograph while traveling out West. The perspective she captured from the lens allowed me to notice, wonder, and breathe in life. I transformed the photograph into an inspirational quote. 

Last month, I noticed a goose waddling in a school parking lot. He looked pensive and so I wondered what he would do. Undaunted that I was following him, he continued his slow walk. A notice poem evolved from my encounter. 

I am an onlooker,
sauntering through life.
I pause at times noting
a world caught up in strife.
I stretch my neck, turn
to see hurried feet,
moving so briskly.
a thought overcomes me-
Humans see what 
they want to see.
I see all that needs
to be.
©CVarsalona, 2016 

Positive thinking changes your perspective on life. It allows you to see life with fullness. While it is true that life is fragile and uncertain and each person's life is different, hope can be found in the word believe. I believe that the power of positivity can change perspectives as we seek the balance. 
Ponder this statement:
Life is full of miracles. 
You just have to find them

Please visit DigiLit Sunday here.

Join me on June 5th at 10 am EST as I co-host #PeopleSkills chat on Twitter with host Kate Nasser. We will be discussing "Balance in Life & Relationships."

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