
Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Unveiling Summerscapes Gallery

Summertime is nature's invitation to 
Relax, Reflect, Recharge!

Welcome to Summerscapes

2016 Summer Gallery of Artistic Expressions

Summertime's sweet summer life has not closed its pages 
with the appearance of the Fall Equinox.  
It is living here in the halls of this gallery,
greeting those who hear its call.

Enjoy the visual display and lyrical words that lift from the page.
Hampton Bays, Long Island

Before wandering through the gallery, pause-reflect-recall your own joyful minications this summer, whether they were with family, friends, or solo. Then, step into this showcase to be swayed by the virtual summer breeze and music offered to place you in a summertime frame of mind. 

With the thought that summertime living is easy, stroll through the gallery listening to Ella Fitzgerald sing the blues. 

I open the doors to Summerscapes 
for your viewing pleasure.
Please take a leisurely gallery walk.

Are you ready to dip your toes into summer,
 to breathe the fresh sea air,
climb the endless mountains,
and watch a summer sunset?

Be swept away by the sights and sounds of summer that are offered as a global tribute to writer's voice and the free spirit of summertime. Each piece in the gallery is a unique expression of the writer's or photographer's noticings of the world. Join me to relax, reflect, renew, and recharge life.

Please accept this invitation 
to celebrate summer 
with its vibrant florals. 
 Celebrate summer's sea breeze that cools the heat!
Linda Baie, Captiva Island
Celebrate summer's sparkling firework displays!
Celebrate summer evening light shows!

DeAnn Pettinelli, Central New York
Linda Baie, Captiva Island
Oh, the summer night
Has a smile of light
And she sits on a sapphire throne.

~Barry Cornwall

Celebrate morning sunrise to fill your heart with joy!

Celebrate the memories of traveling from from East Coast to West Coast and back via video. 

Traveling is filled with special moments!
Andrea Sanchez, Kauai, Hawaii
Sean Mitchell, Toronto

Linda Baie, Captiva Island, Florida

Are you a beach person who enjoys the salt air?

The Summer of 42 reminds us of beach days.
 Perhaps you love the cool water of a lake.

Or maybe you enjoy listening to the calming sound
 of a bubbling brook captured here by Faige.

A flowing waterfall produces a peaceful sound, as well.
There are mountains to climb in the summer.

There are places to relax

and summer gardens to fill with a rainbow of colors.
Linda Baie, Colorado
Terje Akke, Estonia

Violet Nesdoly, British Columbia
Fred Harwood, British Columbia
Summer is family time.
Breathless, we flung us on a windy hill, laughed in the sun, 
and kissed the lovely grass."~ Rupert Brooke

Playground fun in Victorian era submitted by Diane Mayr

Summer is vacation time.
Heather Stillufusen
Vicky Giouroukakis, Prague, Czech Republic 
Vicky Giouroukakis, Crete, Greece
 Summer is also a great time to seek inspiration 
and imagine the possibilities.
Meeno Rami

“summer, after all, is a time when wonderful things can happen to quiet people. for those few months, you’re not required to be who everyone thinks you are, and that cut-grass smell in the air and the chance to dive into the deep end of a pool give you a courage you don’t have the rest of the year. you can be grateful and easy, with no eyes on you, and no past. summer just opens the door and lets you out.”  Deb Caletti, Honey, Baby, Sweetheart

Terje Akke, Estonia

Summer vacation provides extra time to communicate with friends near and far. Consider bringing back the art of letter writing with summertime postcard poetry.

While J. Patrick Lewis and I do not correspond via poetry postcards, we communicate through email regarding poetry love. Pat graciously sent me the poem below for Summerscapes from his collection. Below is my digitized version of Pat's poem, Summer Fun, first published in 1995.

Flashback to a bit of nostalgia
with a clip from the Harold Lloyd 1928 silent film "Speedy" 
Do you recognize Babe Ruth as one of the stars? 

Students often reflect on their joyful summer days.
Kelsey, Indiana - submitted by Leigh Anne Eck
Naomi M., Indiana - submitted by Leigh Anne Eck
Jacob, Louisiana - submitted by Margaret Simon
Olivia #LivBit, New York City

Do you long for the return of endless summer days?
A child smiles often in summertime.
Libraries and bookstores are filled with those 
who enjoy leisure reading in the summer. 

Inspired by nature, writers capture life and write.

This gallery is a celebration of digital media.
It integrates the arts, technology, and literacy to allow voice to be amplified across the globe and bring awareness of the beauty of the earth during the season of summer. 

 Open Strings by Kevin HodgsonListen to a musical composition, Open Strings, created by Kevin Hodgson for the gallery here.

You can also read  the poem, Happy Toes 
by Sally Murphy, here

Pause a bit in a summerscape moment to relax.

Click this link:

Daydreaming often occurs in summer or is it reflection time?

Spiri Howard, Colorado

While the Fall Equinox officially closes summer,
 I continue to celebrate what summer offered.
Do you do the same?

Here in September's arms, we can still feel summer's breath.
Memories are recalled. 
“I love how summer just wraps it’s arms around you like a warm blanket.” 
― Kellie Elmore

Now, like a soft dew-drop kiss, the gallery bids summer 
good by as its passes the baton to autumn.

and a new school year.


Gallery visitors, thank you for joining me on this gallery walk. Please share a response in the blog's comment section or at the following social media sites: Twitter, using #Summerscapes and @cvarsalona when you comment, Facebook, or Pinterest. This gesture of collegiality and community spirit recognizing the efforts of the gallery contributors listed below is appreciated. 

This community of reflective writers continues to grow since the first unveiling of a gallery of artistic expressions in March 2014 with Reflect With Me: Bringing a Community of Writers Together to Celebrate Life & Teaching

You can visit the following galleries that spread #poetrylove by clicking on each title below.

Reflect With Me: Bring a Community of Writers Together to Celebrate Life & Teaching
April Awakenings
Summer Serenity
Finding Fall
Winter Whisperings
Spring's Symphony
Summer Splashings
Autumn's Palette
Winter Wanderings
Spring's Seeds

Thank you for visiting the gallery. 

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