
Friday, December 2, 2016

Haiku for Healing #1

December 1st snuck up on me this year amidst an engaging but overpacked November. A couple of weeks ago when Mary Lee Hahn called all poets and bloggers to write alongside her in December, I felt it was a creative challenge for a distant day. Now that day is here and I although I may not be ready, I am intrigued by Mary Lee's hashtag, #haikuforhealing. 
In this hectic, mixed-up, emotional roller coaster called life these days, finding a place of solace is needed. This week, my refuge, the beach, drew me back to its shore despite the chill of late autumn. 
From that autumn beach experience, I decided to write a poem based on the last line of Margaret Simon's haiku of the challenge. She graciously offered all to steal her ending to make a new haiku.
My response evolved from a photo captured at sunset as I strolled the Long Beach Boardwalk with my family. There was such a sense of serenity during that walk that I was moved to shoot several photos. After using a couple of apps to digitize the photos, I reviewed them and recalled the feelings I had during the walk. Then, I attempted to compose a haiku which demands a concise pattern of words to bring an emotion forth. While the shortness of the form seems to be approachable and full of ease, the depth of thinking demands intentionality. Haiku writing is an art that I am learning so I humbly submit mine to Mary Lee, Margaret, and the Poetry Friday community.
Please visit my poet friend, Bridget Magee's blog to read Bridget's thoughts on community, in particular the warm and supportive Poetry Friday community. You can access her post at wee words for wee little ones, here. Also, visit Mary Lee Hahn's site here to read her December 1st haiku. 
I am excited to join in Mary Lee's and Margaret's challenge today because it provides me with the opportunity to go beyond my comfort zone, hone in on the craft of haiku writing, and learn alongside those who have been successful with this poetic form. Clearly, I have miles to go before I sleep.

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