
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Quiet Reflection

As seasons pass from one to another, my writing life grows in its daily practice of observing ordinary, life-living moments. Why I ask do I seek to weave golden threads of thought into delicately-formed patterns? Is it to adorn even the grayest of days or find peace in the simplest of acts?

And so I write
in the stillness of quiet corners,
in the midst of sublime joy 
and chaotic discord.
I journey onward,
a traveler and observer
seeking inspiration,
finding quiet spaces where
wonder spreads its wings,
like a butterfly fluttering in the wind. 
Nurtured by curiosity, 
I reflect upon nature's patience
and persistence in its
seasonal interplay with life.
I pause to dream, ponder, and imagine
words taking root to find their purpose
in a hurried world that forgets
beauty exists in both
the ordinary and the sublime.
©CVarsalona, 2019

As I eagerly mull over the prospect of engaging in a month of writing for the 12th Annual March Slice of Life Story Challenge, I feel each new day of writing deepens my practice and allows me to explore my writing life from different perspectives. Join me as I try out new moves, revisit past techniques, and capture other's thoughts to broaden mine. 

Thank goes out to Leigh Anne Eck for calling together a community of writers to make writing plans for 2019 under the hashtag #letwwrite2019. Today, I wanted to start the journey with a quiet reflection written when the only sounds I hear are the murmurings of the house.

Thanks is also offered to Two Writing Teachers its weekly Slice of Life Tuesday.



  1. Such beautiful words, they express my thoughts too. Thank you :)

    1. Lakshmi, I hope we can continue to be social media friends after Google + closes.

  2. I, too, need quiet when I write. I didn’t know about Lee Ann’s hashtag, but I’ve been making a list of potential blogging topics for March. I’ll only be participating in the challenge half the month, however.

    1. I was just thinking this morning as the news is on that I need quiet once again to write. Reading everyone's posts this March and culling a variety of formats should be a fun activity. Happy Writing.

  3. Welcome to this year's journey! Your question of, "Why I ask do I seek to weave golden threads of thought into delicately-formed patterns?" has me appreciating the craft and the thought.

    1. Here's to appreciating the craft of writing as we read through a variety of slices this March, Kristi.

  4. "I journey onward,
    a traveler and observer
    seeking inspiration,
    finding quiet spaces where
    wonder spreads its wings,"
    These are the words that speak to me this early morning. Perhaps the call to write as well....

    1. Jaana, it is so good to connect with you again. Thanks for finding my words a call to write. Please share your writing with me again.

  5. Thanks for the reminder of appreciation for the quiet.

    1. It is quiet in the house now and I am reaping the benefits of this quiet time.

  6. "I pause to dream, ponder, and imagine" Ah, the word that speaks to me: pause. Being a conscious writer prods me to allow time for those pauses. Thank you for such lovely words today, Carol.

    1. Pausing is an active part of writing, Alice, because it gives us time to reflect and prune our work as any good gardener would do to have a better product.

  7. Beautiful poem. Dream, ponder and imagine - let's keep these in mind in March.

    1. Terje, I like that today's slicers are commenting on lines in my post that resonate with them. It validates my thoughts and inspires me to continue dreaming, pondering, and imagining. I look forward to exchanging ideas with you this coming month.

  8. You know I love "where wonder spreads its wings." This is a lovely contemplative writing mantra of sorts, Carol. I'm going to print it in it's entirety and post it where it will be my daily reflaction -- your favorite word, I believe!

    1. I never thought of this as a mantra but upon rereading it, I see that it has evolved into one. You honor me by reprinting my poem, Christie. It is so much fun to have another wonderologist wondering alongside me this March.
