
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Winter Wail

In the middle of the night, a howling began that disturbed my sleep. Half-awake, I tried to ascertain the origin of the incessant wailing noise. Was I dreaming? Was someone in distress? Where was the sound originating? I stumbled into the bathroom to look out my window. There was an eeriness unfolding. I watched the silhouette of majestic trees swaying back and forth in a hurried manner. 

When morning arrived there was a chilled calm in the neighborhood. Winter Wind left its calling card and the prospect of chilly weather for the week.

Winter has been an interesting season this year on Long Island so I continue to write documenting what I notice and wonder. Have you been intrigued by nature this winter?

Today is the final warm-up before Two Writing Teachers' month-long writing challenge begins on Friday, March 1st. I'm ready! 



  1. This winter has been a series of warm days followed by cold days...dry days followed by wet days...days when we have had sun, snow, sleet, freezing rain, rain all in the span of 24 hours. The joys of living in central PA.

    1. I hear you, Robert. My friend who just moved to Florida called me from her lanai in 80 degree weather. I was trying to soak in her good weather. Thanks for joining me here.

  2. In Minnesota we are just buried in snow and cold! When does spring come?

    1. Joanne, I would love to see a photo of what your winter looks like. If interested check out my winter gallery, Winter's Embrace 2019, at if you would like to share your photo and thoughts on winter.

  3. Carol, In West Hartford, CT, my students and I were actually frightened by the eerie sound of the high speed winds yesterday. At one point I actually asked the class, "Who is humming?" as the wind tore through our school's ancient drafty windows! I love the alliteration in your writing!

    1. That sounds like a scary experience for students. The sound traveled from Long Island to Connecticut. How interesting. Thanks for dropping by (can you please share your name and blog site?)

  4. I could imagine the eerie night wind. Last week we had horrific wind on Wednesday, so strong that I had to push myself through it in order to walk. I was thankful that there was no snow. Overall the winter has been snowy and not too cold. We are seeing some signs of spring already.

    1. Terje, I remember when I was in college and I could not open the door to the tower dorm because the wind was so fierce. I forgot about that until I read your comment on your winter experience.

  5. I love the word pummel. It has been an interesting weather winter.

    1. I have been having fun reading weather reports, watching them on TV, experience an interesting winter, and then writing about what I see. I also love pummel as a strong weather word.

  6. The craziest winter on record for us with record snows and school closures. Even the public library was closed for 4 1/2 days. We're glad to be getting back to (our) normal!

    1. There have been crazy record patterns all over the country. Makes me wonder? See you for SOLSC19.
