
Thursday, April 4, 2019


Yesterday, sunshine brought out the best of what early spring offers: a time for renewal. Landscape crews were buzzing around the neighborhood, revving up their engines, preparing the earth for its rebirth. Winter jackets were shed and sweaters placed in cedar closets. Spring cleaning was the topic of morning talk shows. Everyone was readying themselves for a fresh look on life as the last vestiges of winter were disappearing. 

While the earth was busily preparing for a quick changeover of color from monochromatic gray days to brilliant springtime hues, the heart, spiritual center of the body, was also seeking inspiration. As I looked at my seasonal photos, I thought about the transition from winter to spring, realizing that nature understands renewal!

as spring renews its promise
winter's icy breath softens
restoring nature's balance

Hope finds a resting place in spring, the season of rebirth and renewal. 
This year, it coincides with the Lenten season. 
The following verse brings a message of hope.

Thank you, Irene Latham, for reminding our Spiritual Journey 1st Thursday Community to gather at Dani Burtsfield's blog. I send gratitude to Dani for hosting and posing a question that needs further contemplation:
 "How is the act of renewal making itself manifest in your life presently?"
I have already started sweeping away winter's dust, opening windows, and breathing new life into old routines. With hope in my heart for a spring that restores life and rejuvenates energy, I shall listen and continue to grow in faith. 

During National Poetry Month, voices rise. 

It is my plan to unveil both my Abundant Autumn Gallery and Winter's Embrace Gallery during National Poetry Month. Stay tuned for those vivid displays of nature's enduring majesty. 

This week I wrote poetry daily but due to my second bout of acute sinusitis and professional development commitments, I felt the need to merge my thoughts for two writing communities on this eve of Poetry Friday. 

I am also joining the host of Poetry Friday, Karen Edmisten who is sharing a beautiful poem, Late Echo by John Ashbery, that fits so well with my thoughts tonight. 

" is necessary to write about the same old things
In the same way, repeating the same things over and over
For love to continue and be gradually different."

with our Esteemed Poetry Guests, Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong
There will be 3 Giveaways.

I will be moderating for #NYEDChat and would love for our poetry friends to chat with us. Stop by and raise your voices to poetry.


  1. Oh, I hope I can join you on Monday. It will be fun! There is much to love here in this post, Carol, sounds as if you're wrapping up so much, getting ready for new things, that 'renewal' that we all feel in spring. You are a busy woman! Happy Friday and have a great weekend. Hope you're feeling much better soon.

    1. Linda, thanks for being the first to stop. I do love hearing from you. I hope you can join me on Monday. It is going to be a grand poetry happening with Janet and Sylvia. I am longer for renewal, Linda. Two bouts of sinusitis has really taken its toll on me. Got to sign off because I have to be up in 5 hours to get to my PD program.

  2. So often we're at opposites with our seasons, but because we had late rain this year, it almost feels like spring, at the moment. Everything is gorgeous green, lush and full of promise. And there's a kiss of cool in the weather. So I share your feelings, but whilst it's the winter-greys you're farewelling, for us it was the earthy tones of brittle grass and bare dirt. Now green!

    Feel better soon, Carol. x

    1. Kat, it is always so much fun sharing info and poetry about the seasons with you, even if we are at opposite ends.

  3. Enjoyed your thoughts about renewal -- I'm inspired to dive into some spring cleaning now. :)

    1. Jama, I am slowing down this weekend because of the sinusitis infection but I am intent on spring cleaning & decluttering. Still making the PF rounds.

  4. Prayers for health and healing. The good thing about a Twitter chat is that you can be all stuffed up and no one will know! I hope I'll be able to join in, but still awaiting our overdue baby boy. Thank you, Carol, for the words of scripture - "... those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength..." So much to absorb and learn from our SJFT community!

    1. Thanks for prayers, Ramona. The always help. You made me laugh. Today, I was training 6th grade teachers on scoring the state ELA test and I not only had to look like I was with it but needed a mic so they could hear me. I am hoping in the Lord to renew my strength. I can’t wait to hear about #3 grandbaby.

  5. Thanks for your thoughts on renewal! I love your swimming birds!

  6. Love this: "Hope finds a resting place in spring" The Isaiah passage is one of my favorites. My daughter wrote a poem based on in when she was in middle school. Prayers for healing.

  7. Love the poem and phot pairing you shared, carol, and I look forward to viewing your newest galleries. I am definitely feeling the renewal of spring. An extra dose of energy has me cleaning and organizing :) Hope you're feeling better soon!

  8. Thanks for all these thoughts on renewal and transitioning into spring Carol–I'm looking forward to Nature's balance being restored and enjoyed them in your poem. Hope you are feeling better too!

  9. You are a very busy woman! Thank you for sharing your poem and reminding me that spring is a reminder that miracles are real.

    1. Cheriee, thank you for stopping by my blog post. The miracles of spring are sprouting in my garden on this sunny morning.

  10. What a lovely visit with you Carol. I love how you sought and found renewal in the early spring. Those grays and browns are OK in February...but not now that the first greening has started. I do love that passage from Isaiah. I'm pretty pooped from school right before spring break. I hope to renew in after this week!

  11. Hope you are feeling better soon, Carol. Your renewal post has one of my favorite verses...Isaiah 40:30-31 - a promise to renew our strength.

  12. Yesterday I wrote about the idea in Chinese medicine that spring, while a time of renewal, is not always a walk in the cherry-blossom park.Perhaps it takes a bout of sinusitis to really clear out the old, make way for the new!

    1. Heidi, your words of wisdom are what I needed this morning after two days of on/off sleep. Thank you. I am wishing I was in Virginia/Washington, DC seeing the cherry blossoms but since I am not, the pictures of my grandbaby enjoying them will do.

  13. Renewal is such a gift and a blessing. Thank you for bringing the attention to it that it deserves.

  14. Time for renewal indeed. A lovely, lovely post, Carol, and I hope you're feeling much, much better this week!
