
Friday, May 10, 2019

The World is Full of Poetry

National Poetry Month may be over but for me, poetry is a year-round exploration of words that dance within the images they create. I have gone back in time to work the digital poetry gallery I started designing in autumn so I can share a sneak peek today. Within the gallery halls, earth's majesty gives rise to a chorus of voices singing the praises of poetry in motion. Join me as I paint earth in fiery hues of an autumn day for:

"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower." (Albert Camus) 

abundant autumn sets no limits
brush-stroking earth with spun-gold colors-
tranquility leaves its calling card
 ©CV, 2019

In a slide presentation below, I offer a sneak peek at Abundant Autumn Gallery of Artistic Expressions. The offerings from some Poetry Friday colleagues illustrate the concept of autumn as a second spring with their brilliant color schemes, imagery, and poetry. You can access this presentation on Google Slides here. The cover to the slide show and the authors are below.

Thank you to the following Poetry Friday poets for their Abundant Autumn digital inspirations:
Linda Baie, Ramona Behnke, Catherine Flynn, Matt Forrest Esenwine, Jan Godown Annino,
Mary Lee Hahn, Brenda Harsham, Molly Hogan, Michelle Kogan, Jone MacCulloch, Diane Mayr, 
Kay McGriff, Margaret Simon, Jane Whittingham, Christie Wyman.

The world is full of poetry.
The air is living with its spirit;
and the waves dance to the
music of its melodies,
and sparkle in its brightness." 
-James Gates Percival, poet 

Enjoy listening to The World is Full of Poetry from Earthsongs

Stay tuned for the unveiling of the full Abundant Autumn Gallery of Artistic Expressions with digital inspirations from around the globe. In the meantime, I am heading over to Elizabeth Steinglass' blogsite.  She is sharing about her new book, Soccerverse, that inlcudes 22 poems about everything soccer. 

Special Note:
If you are interested in offering an Abundant Autumn #imagepoem to my gallery, send it to me  either at my email (cvarsalona on gmail) or to Twitter under the hashtag, #AbundantAutumn.


  1. Ah ha! Here you are. I was wondering if I'd see you this week. You've been busy, haven't you? Lovely slides of fall. It IS a second spring isn't it?

    1. Linda, it is so nice to hear from you. Second spring-such a wonderful thought. I do love autumn. I did not have an autumn image poem in my file for you. If you have one please send it over. I would love to include it in this post and in the larger gallery. I would like to add the one you sent me for the summer swap (paper collage). Do you have the original photo?

  2. Thanks for the sneak peek, Carol and for that wonderful Children's Choir singing. Beautiful to hear on this crisp day of spring that's reminding me of when we say "autumn is in the air"! Happy Mother's Day!

    1. Thank you for offering your autumn poem for the gallery. I am blessed to have so many friends who love poetry as much as I. What a splendid poem and song I found to honor poetry. After reading your post, I am in a mellow state of mind that will help me get through all of the tasks before Monday. I'm off to prepare a platter of homemade cookies for a dinner party tomorrow. Yum! Can you imagine this; as I gather my tins of cookies, I am dipping into them to make sure they all taste right-YUM!

  3. Thank you for this peak into your digital poetry gallery. I appreciated the children's choir too.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and commenting, Cheriee.

  4. What a lovely sneak peek of poetry, photography, and song! Thank you, Carol!

    1. Thank you, Kimberly, for enjoying my sneak peek. I hope you will consider offering an #imagepoem for other galleries.

  5. Thank you for your galleries! They are wonderful!

    1. Liz, what a whirlwind of a two-week span. Thank you for your positive comment about my galleries.

  6. Carol, I love the "spun-gold colors" of your poem. Beautiful image.

    1. Laura, I appreciate your comment about my word choice. I have felt such pressure to juggle balls that are spinning before me that I have little time to write from the heart.

  7. You slide show showcases the brilliance of autumn--nice bookend to spring. I enjoyed the trip back through time.

    1. Hard to believe that a week has passed by. Thanks for your comment, Kay. Off to write my PF post since I have not finished the gallery yet. Worked this week.

  8. Beautiful woven images, words, and music in your sneak peak gallery Carol, I look forward to the unveiling that's coming…

    1. Michelle, I look forward to writing this week's PF post and reading through others-very busy week that left me with little time to write.
