
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Paddleboard Power

This week, a human interest story on paddle patrols was highlighted in Newsday, Long Island's newspaper. It caught my eye as a unique effort to keep the beautiful Long Island waters pristine for residents and future Long Islanders.

rise and shine boarders
once the sun is up explore
local waterways

mission to clean up
canals, creeks, local waters
weather permitting

paddleboard power
help collect garbage, debris-
rid the floating trash

Long Island reward
feels good to do something good
for environment
©Carol Varsalona, 2019

Long Island paddleboarders help collect garbage.
-Newsday, Paddle power by Nicole Allegrezza Fuentes, July 26, 2019
I am sliding into Michelle H. Barnes' July Wrap-up Celebration at Today's Little Ditty with my found haiku poem series inspired by the article listed above.  At the beginning of the month in the Reader Spotlight of Today's Little Ditty, my friend from Virginia, Linda Mitchell, asked that we create a found haiku. 

Find an interesting article on a topic that fascinates you. As you read the article highlight phrases with the right syllable counts for traditional haiku (5-7-5). It’s true that haiku is not strictly 5-7-5. However, for this exercise, keep to the “rule.” Once you have found several phrases, place them into the form of a haiku. I’ve shared several of these on my blog, A Word Edgewise. (See examples herehere, and here.)


  1. Replies
    1. Kimberly, thank for joining me here. I had fun learning about this program to save Long Island waterways and then writing about it.

  2. Fantastic linked haiku series, Carol! I'm inspired and grateful whenever I hear about the different ways people are taking it upon themselves to make a difference—to clean up the waters that mean so much to all of us.

    1. Michelle, thank you for your reply. I was waiting for the right article to inspire me and this project certainly has. Every time I pass by one of Long Island's waterways and see boats passing, I think of how beautiful Long Island is in summer. Paddleboarders making a difference through environmental conservation is one way to save our beautiful earth.

  3. Hi Carol!
    It is Mary Sullivan! Funny I havent been in touch in a while, I checked in on linkedin and saw your blog post! I too am a paddle boarder and I own a paddleboard lessons and rental business in Oakdale called "Moku Loa Paddle
    Tribe". I loved your poem you created about the Newsday article. We do clean ups in the Connetquot and Patchogue Rivers. Every helping hand counts! Thank you for appreciating us! :)
