
Friday, July 5, 2019

Summer Joy

It's that joyful time of year when life on Long Island seems to be full of a carefree,  relaxed sand-in-toes type of spirit. School is out. Laughter is in the air. Summer hues brighten the landscape, and seashore breezes refresh the mind, body, and spirit. It is a joyful time of year to explore, play in the sun, relax, and recharge. 

I pause momentarily before the day starts to reflect on my writing life, realizing how nature influences my thoughts and sparks ideas.

This is my 2nd attempt at writing a cherita
my tale of the opening of the summer by the sea concert series.
My 1st cherita is also about beach life and can be found here.

While so many ideas float through my mind, I find peace through noticing nature and writing about beachlife here on Long Island. May your summer days be filled with joy as you embrace summer.

You are invited to share your summer life moments with me at the hashtag #EmbraceableSummer on Twitter, at my gmail, Instagram, or FaceBook accounts for a future gallery of artistic expressions.

Take a stroll with me to the Poetry Friday Roundup at Tricia Stohr-Hunt's blogsite, The Miss Rumphius Effect. Tricia is blending a letter written by her grandmother during war times with the prompt, heat, as her guide. It is quite interesting so you may want to stroll over to her site with me. 


  1. Thank you for teaching me about the cherita and for sharing yours. Here in Vancouver, Canada, it's cold, wet and dreary so I really appreciate this reminder that beach days are still possible.

    1. Cheriee, cold, wet, and dreary days may not be as fun as sun-filled beach days but each location has its beauty. I hear that Vancouver is a gorgeous city to visit. My husband went years ago and has always said that we would travel there.

  2. I'm loving summer, too, Carol. And I always envy that you can drive over to the shore, where 'music fills that salty air'. Lovely post!

    1. Thanks for joining me on my walk, Linda. We can enjoy the beach together this summer! Have a wonderful weekend.

    2. I look forward to adding your digital poetry and beach scenes to the #EmbraceableSummer Gallery collection, Linda.

  3. toes-in-the-sand spirits is the best phrase! It's exactly how it feels after school's out for the summer. As always, your photo-poem blends are a delight.

    1. Linda, while I love being in Virginia with my granddaughter, you can't beat Long Island in the summer. Toes-in-the-sand feelings can be had every day. We took a quick trip last night to see the fireworks at the beach. It was hard finding parking but eventually we did and followed the trip up with ice cream (not comparable to the Great Falls Creamery but still good).

  4. Nice! I love the "salty air!"

    1. Ruth, thanks for stopping by. Are you still stateside? I hope you are enjoying your summer. Salty air is refreshing when you near the shore. My last walk at the beach was a surprise since the water was not icy cold. Usually, I don't dunk in until later in the summer when the water warms up. Are you on Twitter because I want to share what you sent me for the swap?

  5. I love these summer moments you've captured with both poetry and images. Beautiful, Carol!

    1. Thank you for sharing in my delight that summer has settled in on Long Island.

  6. Can I jump into your cherita picture-poem Carol, it's lovely and oh so inviting, and I like your first haiku too!

    1. I would love to have you jump into my beach scene, Michelle. I would think that if you visited, you would create the most stunning drawing of beachlife.

  7. I love, love, love the beach! My dream is to someday at least rent a cottage and spend a month at the beach.

    1. That is a great dream, Carol. I hope it happens. Here on Long Island rentals are sky high. When I first got married, my husband had an apartment facing the beach. While I loved the beach, I wanted a house when we got married. We moved 15 minutes away from the beach so I have the best of both worlds.

  8. Lovely glimpse of summer in your poems--I especially like your cherita. I enjoy the relaxed days of summer, but I could do with a break from the heat we're having!

    1. Thanks for joining me tonight, Kat. I appreciate your comment. How hot is is there?

  9. Your summer is so very different from our hot, muggy summer! Enjoy those ocean breezes!!

    1. Yesterday, we drove to the beach for an afternoon walk and as soon as we stepped our foot on the new pathway to the beach, we saw a procession of beachgoers coming our way. Beach is closed was the common cry. We laughed and took a walk back to the car. We did get to enjoy a rather interesting very windy day and lots of gritty sand pelting us. The marvels of nature-weather can turn on a dime!

  10. I agree with some others here, Carol, I think I might prefer your summer to my own! Especially with your filtered photographs— it's like being invited into a painting.

    1. When I recreate what I see in real time to a watercolored view, I move into another dimension of noticing and wondering, Michelle. Writing is sparked and peace surrounds me. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
