
Friday, August 2, 2019

Love's Journey

under a summer sky

we clink glasses
to years of memories

come to rest
love's journey continues

While rose ceremonies trended on social media, a private exchange of memories at a favorite restaurant sufficed for yet another anniversary. 

My husband and I share a tradition of exchanging cards on our anniversary.
I am surprising him with this page of thoughts.

The Poetry Friday Roundup is hosted by the climate crusader Heidi Mordhorst. Check out her new poetry form, the definito, and then give it a try for fun.


  1. Happy Anniversary! Lovely thoughts to share. What are rose ceremonies?

    1. Thanks for the happy thoughts. Rose ceremonies-LOL-At the end of the Bachelorette show the young lady chooses a man to give a rose to until she whittles the group down to one man. That person gets the final rose as a pledge of togetherness.

  2. What a beautiful poem, Carol. Real. And real lovely. So different to the hype and fakeness that can be portrayed through social media. Happy anniversary.

    1. Kat, I do appreciate your comment. Each anniversary allows me to reflect upon the year and hope for new routes to travel on love’s journey.

  3. May you and your husband continue to have those special memories, Carol. Happy Anniversary!

    1. Linda, thanks for the well wishes. Each year brings new surprises and ah, yes, surprises and setbacks. Love’s journey moves through all of this.

  4. Happy anniversary! The clinking of glasses is a nice reminder that the journey includes knocks and bumps--take care not to shatter. Nice!

    1. Heidi, thank you for hosting and recognizing that a simple set of words held a depth of meaning. I reworked the poem many times to not be as obvious as when I started to write. Love’s journey is full of surprises and setbacks but hope and faith are great guides.

  5. Happy anniversary! My husband and I celebrated our anniversary this weekend, too. I hope your husband enjoys your lovely page of poetry and memories and photos.

    1. Happy Anniversary to you, Kay. This is the time to remember the good times and find ways to explore the future together.
