
Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Traveler

Summer is the season for families to embrace the spirit of adventure as they travel to familiar and/or faraway places.  Travel allows all to relax, rejuvenate, and savor the beauty of the world.  Over one hundred years ago, poet Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not."   I'd like to think that our journeys will allow us to savor all our life living moments.

On the road of life, we are the travelers.

The above photo, sent to me by Al Dhalla, invited me to write about peacefulness and the importance of being present.  The image poem is part of the #EmbraceableSummer Gallery collection. 

In open spaces
of late summer,
sunrise quietly dawns.
Yogis solemnly salute nature's majesty.
as nature silently paints a fiery sky
above the shifting sands.
Tranquility settles in.
Quietude achieved.
©CVarsalona, 2019

May your day open with peace and end in love.

Today is Tuesday Slice of Life at Two Writing Teachers.  Join me.


  1. This is beautiful, Carol - full of so many gorgeous lines. It reminds me how we all take journeys in different forms - physically traveling but also as we work on being more present and how we show up as human beings each day.

    1. Thank you, Trina, for responding. I like your last thought and the addition of show up as "humans" daily. What a great world that would be if everyone cared about life and the beauty of the earth.

  2. Living in the moment, the quiet - I wish to hold on to the summer a bit longer.

    1. I agree with you. Summer has been a time of some special moments.

  3. Love that Emerson quote about carrying the beautiful with you. Your verse and accompanying artistry are like meditations to me. They calm and uplift the spirit. So grateful to you. :)

    1. Fran, I am glad that your spirit may be uplifted now. I know that you are dealing with quite a bit. My thoughts and prayers are being extended to you. My close friend just passed on and her husband, daughter, and daughter's family are heartbroken. I always say that life is fragile and uncertain.
