
Thursday, December 5, 2019

Reflecting on My One Little Word

2019 tiptoed in with my one little word. "Embrace" slowly filtered into my life, gently prodding me to move beyond worry and seek new beginnings. With an energetic flow, I started the year with a blog post and intent to embrace new chances at happiness. There were uphill climbs, sweet surprises, and repeat performances at embracing life. Along the way, lessons were learned. Today with my Spiritual Journey first Thursday writing friends, I look back to poetically reflect on this past year.

Life's a Puzzlement!
The decade will conclude its journey in a few weeks so it's time to reflect on how effectively I have approached my mantra, Embrace the flow. Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 notes, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven...a time to embrace and a time to refrain." With this in mind, I ask myself one reflective question:

What did I learn from my one little word, embrace?
-Trying to accomplish much in a short time does not work.
-Prioritizing is important.
-Life is fragile and uncertain. I must learn how to deal with unexpected interrupters with faith as a guide.
-Embracing life with positivity is a mantra that will joyfully lead me into the next decade.

What steps will I take to Embrace the Flow? 
-Faithfully reflact (reflect with action steps) to determine how to nudge beyond my comfort zone.
-Notice and wonder more to observe what is around me that provides beauty, peace, and rest.
-Combine the richness of all my one little words to open my heart to listen more intently, believe with undeniable faith, find joy in all tasks, and hope in this method of embracing all aspects of living.
-Believe in the power of God who is the ultimate planner of my life journey.

I thank my Spiritual Journey first Thursday writing friends led by our gentle and creative host, Irene Latham, for the opportunity to ponder and grow spiritually in a world of ups and down. 

Before I join the group, I will add few thoughts on my process. My digital inspiration, Life's a  Puzzlement, was created through a series of steps: nature photos of Long Island during various seasons and a selfie shot with my iPhone, photos stylized and digitized with FotoJet, poem composed, and finally embedded on the artistic background. The poem was fashioned after reading the mentor text, The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 


  1. Dear Carol, you've done a beautiful thing with all your embracing this year, and I appreciate your lessons learned -- particularly about the fragility of life. We take so much for granted! Thank you for this reminder to embrace our lives. And The Tide Rises The Tide Falls was one of my father's favorite poems, so a favorite of mine as well. xo

    1. Irene, I am going to miss your presence this year but being on a sabbatical is going to be so fulfilling for you. Life is so uncertain and fragile and this year that thought has been so in front of me with several friends passing on. I can see why your father loved The Rises, the Tide Falls.

  2. Carol, I love the way you set up this reflection with a poetic piece you created, a what did I learn (looking back) and what steps will I take (looking forward) and finally the song you shared.

    1. Thanks, Ramona. I have had fun playing with my digital tools and then, realized the format I was thinking about would work nicely for this post.
