
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Evening Balance

dreams dangle on threads of silken thoughts
luring us on to capture each one
evening shadows blanket each dream
©CV, 2020

created in Buncee

It is in the noticing and wondering stage that creativity sprouts seeds. The potential of the creative mind is limitless. I need to know that my sweetest dreams can grow into thoughts that dangle on silken threads waiting to be realized. I write to capture each one, balancing them in the pendulum of life.

My #OneWord2020 Balance in evening light
I send my Slice of Life on to Two Writing Teachers
and #EduBlogYear.


  1. Your words are pearls. Precious and beautiful.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Terje. my one word balance is something I strive to focus on each day. There always seems to be so many tasks to do. I am off to yoga today to find serenity without the hustle and bustle of life facing me. Have a great day, Terje.

  2. Dreams are the seeds of so many great achievements. They are meant to be nurtured. Without dreams we are stuck in neutral. May your dreams continue to grow.

    1. About dreams-there are those that bring inspiration and those that wake me in the middle of the night. A recent one led me to wonder what part unfinished dreams have in leading me on.

  3. Just beautiful. Lovely words to end my evening.

  4. Dreams are on mind this morning, Betsy. One broke my sleep and so I am pondering why?
