
Thursday, January 30, 2020

Postcard Collecting

Collecting postcards has been part of my practice for many years. Many of my  postcards are dated between 1904 and 1914, the time period when "postcard collecting caught the national eye." I am a postcard collector, a delitologist, who really enjoys the feel and look of antique and vintage ephemera. Over the past few years, I have added to my Victorian and vintage postcard collection with poetry postcards. 

Last week, after posting that I received more poetry postcards, some new ones were delivered by my friendly postman. The three that arrived were sent by Poetry Friday friends.

Diane Mayr created a Year of the Rat poetry postcard for both the calendar and lunar New Year's celebrations.

Molly Hogan offered this beautiful photograph and inspirational poem.  

Christie Wyman mailed this wonderful poem on waiting for the falling snow to come.

I wish to extend my thanks to all my poetry friends who sent me their original poetry postcards. Each was unique and beautifully rendered. I showcased all of them with my winter decorations in my foyer and living room. For those who did not receive my New Year poem on a digitized photograph postcard, I would like to share it.

Oh my, I found a typo too late!  
On this Thursday, February 5, 2020, I am hosting Spiritual Journey Thursday. My topic is "Seasonal Bliss". Stop by to enjoy reading the posts or join our small group of writers. at my #blogpost. I designed this piece of digital art for Spiritual Journey Thursday.  
It's Poetry Friday, hosted by the marvelous librarian poet, Jone MacCulloch, who created the Poetry Postcard Exchange. Jone shares some of the poetry postcards sent to her provides news of a giveaway, showcases a special, original haiku. Join me.


  1. Beautiful! Like leaves....each individual. But, together they form a collection. I'm thinking about Thursday. Thinking...thinking...

    1. Linda, I already wrote you a reply early this morning but I must not have pressed send. Your response is lovely. I do like that each one of the postcards I received was a unique way to ring in the new year. See you on Thursday fro SJT. I am looking forward to reading everyone's thoughts on the topic of seasonal bliss.

  2. Thanks for sharing all of these! I imagine the mail carrier enjoys all the postcards too. :)

    1. He knows that I enjoy mail so his thank you card one Christmas was a postcard of his homeland, the Philippines. Thanks for stopping by, Jama.

  3. It's been so much fun to see these postcards traveling all around the Poetry Friday community. Thanks for sharing the snow and critters, and winter hopes.

    1. It has been fun watching the Poetry Postcard collection and better fun being on the receiving end, Laura.

  4. These are all so lovely. What a treat! (And a WHOLE lot better than bills and junk mail.)

    1. Your statement is accurate, Michelle. Thanks for joining me here this afternoon.

  5. The poetry postcards have been delightful. I enjoy getting them and seeing them around Poetry Friday.

    1. It has been a fun month of giving and receiving, Kay.

  6. More beauty from the mailbox, Carol, is delightful. Today I received some junk mail, tax mail, & a letter from Bloomberg, not so fun! Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. We have to laugh at the sharp contrast, Linda. I am trying to pack to drive to Virginia tomorrow. We are so excited to see Little Aurora who is now 7 pounds 1 oz.

  7. Thanks for your moving and spiritual filled poem and post Carol, I love the image you created also–especially the background trees, leaves, and blues.

    1. Michelle, thank you for the artistic commentary on my new digital.

  8. Much beauty here, Carol. Thank you for this lovely post!

    1. Thank you for joining me, Karen. See you on Thursday.

  9. Seeing your postcard collection makes me realize I haven't received all of them yet. Fun expectation. Thanks for sharing the Spiritual Journey invitation. I hope we can stir up some more interest.

    1. This year's postcards came in 3 different groupings so their arrival was well-received. I am glad that I prepared mu SJT blog post before leaving for Virginia. I am so absorbed with the granddaughters and it is delightful.

  10. Replies
    1. It is delightful to give and receive, Mary Lee. Thanks for dropping by.

  11. Thanks for sharing the latest additions to your postcard collection, Carol. Your own New Year poem is lovely, and I was especially moved by your final line. The digital image you created for Spiritual Thursday is beautiful!

    1. Oh, to seek out my dreams this year, Molly...Thanks for joining me and providing a beautiful postcard for me to ponder. I shall seek magic in the mundane. It might offer me the opportunity to patiently observe all.

  12. This is such a great collection of the postcards. I think I am a postcard collector as well.
