
Thursday, January 16, 2020

Sweet Winter Gifts

on sandcastle dreams
the muse rides across
new year's dawning day
winter thoughts arrive
poetry postcards,
fresh morning greetings
a story evolves
crackle, fizz, flash, bang
some days we dash to win the race

new hope springs forth with
friendship shipped by air-
heavenly winter gifts
©CV, 2020
Thank you Jone MacCollach for continuing the Poetry Postcard Exchange and Kimberly Hutmacher and Linda Mitchell for their gifts of song. (Listen to that song below.)

As I receive so let me give and live with joy my whole life through...

And now I turn to the Poetry Friday Roundup that brings a variety of poetry gifts. Catherine Flynn is the host this week and has beautiful, winter haikus for hope. Stay tuned to next week's blog to see more poetry gifts from friends.
My granddaughter Sierra gave me a gift of story when I traveled to Virginia for the birth of her little sister. She told us about her nature walk filled with wonder. I listened and wrote what transpired. Click here. You will also find poetry gifts from Kevin Hodgson and Margaret Simon, who were kind enough to send me a comment with a poem in response to my post and poem. As they said, "Poetry begets poetry." 


  1. Oh, how wonderful! I love the postcard exchange so much. And, the joy over little Aurora is simply contagious. Enjoy every precious moment of your family.

    1. Linda, I got some more cards after I wrote this post so those will be featured next week. Thank you for your wonderful poetry gift on the lovely and vibrant paper collage. The year of the rat is showcased very nicely in your work. I am hoping that my granddaughter Sierra will take part in her own poetry storytelling when she grows up.

  2. I have some early pictures of now years ago (how they fly!) of Ingrid feeding ducks at a pond. Children, like Sierra, out in nature is a wonderful thing. Congratulations again on the birth of Aurora, a special gift this Christmas! I shared my postcards today, too, including yours, Carol. Thanks for the beautiful poem/card.

  3. Sweet gifts indeed, Carol! Thank you for such a positive and fun post! It feels like bubbles and rainbows and riding high with the birth of the new granddaughter... congratulations and thanks again.

  4. I love all my poetry postcards! Such a great way to welcome the new year.

  5. I love the interplay between the postcards and your words in response. Enjoy Sierra and Aurora. They are sure to spread delight, especially when you capture those nature walks.

  6. Your post and links are a feast of poetry goodness. Thanks for sharing, Carol.

  7. Love the poetry postcards--congrats again on Aurora!

  8. Such fun to see all the postcards!

  9. Such a joyful way to launch a new year, Carol. Congratulations on your new grandbaby. I love the name Aurora. Reminds me of Sleeping Beauty!

  10. Thank you for sharing your postcards, Carol, and your special time with Sierra. Your words radiate your joy. Congratulations on the arrival of Aurora!

  11. Thanks for sharing the cards, music, and your poem that encompasses them! BTW let me know if you didn't receive a postcard from me.


    1. I most certainly received your fabulous card, Michelle and it is in my front hallway on the entrance mirror. I have yours and a couple of other cards to share on PF this week.

  12. The postcard swap has been lovely. I have enjoyed seeing all the variety. And your love for your grandchild is infectious and wonderful!

  13. So excited for you with the arrival of grand daughter #2, Aurora. The postcards are wonderful. Thanks for sharing yours with me (even though I didn't do the postcard exchange). Love that your muse rides on sandcastle dreams. Dreams do keep showing up in your new year poetry. And aren't dreams the best part of a new year? That chance to begin again?
