
Sunday, March 15, 2020

Finding Peace_SOLSC 15

This week has been a difficult one of ramped up tension. The news of the coronavirus growing in proportions has caused fear, concern, school districts closing, and the darkening of the NYC theater. Life is not the way we knew it so when another gray day suddenly turned to sunshine, my family took a ride to one of Long Island's most beautiful areas, the ocean. 

On a sky-lit afternoon,
I soak in the expansive shoreline view.
A cool breeze brushes past
on its way to rustle in the seagrass.
I listen to the soft voices of
 whispering waves crashing the shore.
I watch high-spirited visitors
whose feet caress the sand,
leisurely pedal their bikes,
or jauntily walk the long boardwalk.
I pause to capture sun shadows
playing on the boardwalk,
grateful for the sun lighting the sky
with radiant joy.
Life is different at the beach.
Peace floats on a sea of thought.
far away from media blasts.

Each year since March 2015, I have engaged in Two Writing Teacher's Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge. Slicing allows me to ponder life, literacy, and learning, capturing small moments poetically through writing, photography, and digital art. Welcome to Day 15 of 31 days of writing with Two Writing Teachers


  1. Thanks for inviting me on your walk at the beach! Love the pictures that bring vibrancy to your words. Your last line is perfect! We have to get away from the media and back to people!

    1. Thanks for joining me on my walk, Dawn. If you send me your blog url or other social media handle...I can add my thoughts more than what I have done.

  2. Thank you for your calming poem. We need to find that peace and serenity in these difficult times. It is there. We just have to look for it.

  3. Blue sky and blue sea, and a lot of sunshine - so needed. A daily walk in nature is recommended during the stay home period.

    1. A dose of inspiration is a good element to add to our daily activities.

  4. Beautiful photos and words. Uplifting!

  5. Been a while since I've visited those environs (in particular, I remember Fire Island). Thanks for the words and pictures that simultaneously brought me where you were and sent my memories to a spot I've been before.

    1. You must have fond recollections of Long Island, Brian. Fire Island is a place I could wander through any season.
