
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Organized Clutter_SOLSC 17

There's a fine line between a packrat and a serious family historian. 
-Genealogy Blog

As I climb to my attic place,
What comes to mind is 
"Free up space".

What's stored up there
Is beyond compare.
I'm ready to wrestle dusty air.

Family this, school that
unpacking loads of labeled loot-
Am I just a packrat?

Decluttered, feeling free-
boxes ready for someone's
shopping spree!

My attic is a hidden room of clutter but thanks to dedicated time, 
I have lessened my load of days-gone-by treasures.
What's in your attic? 

Each year since March 2015, I have engaged in Two Writing Teacher's Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge. Slicing allows me to ponder life, literacy, and learning, capturing small moments poetically through writing, photography, and digital art. Welcome to Day 17 of 31 days of writing with Two Writing Teachers. 


  1. After reading this I know I need to tackle our attic as well as our garage. How can two people accumulate so much stuff? Well, now I have the time to start decluttering.

    1. I got 3 more boxes down before the charity truck came by. I am so proud of myself. Crawling around in the eaves of the attic was worth it.

  2. So funny to find your post immediately after I posted mine where I mention my mom being a packrat. Good for you for creating some space and "unpacking loads of labeled loot." Surely you are a bit freer. That's a goal worth striving towards.

    1. My daughter often says, "Don't bring me your junk." But now I am finding things that are not junk. This morning I found a box of dinosaurs to give to a friend's grandsons. Thanks for dropping by.

  3. For me it’s the garage. This seems to be the time to get busy on some of these tasks.

    1. That is another area of need, Diane, but I am relying on my husband to handle the garage.

  4. Attics sound so mysterious to me. I don't have one. It must feel so freeing to sort and let go.

    1. Terje, what I though I might keep 20 years ago, I have no need for now. It does feel freeing to give away to charity the items that are perfectly good. As my husband said, "We don't need these toys so give them to children who will enjoy them." My granddaughter already has so many toys so there is no need to give her any of mine.
