
Thursday, March 5, 2020

Reflection on Balance-SJT & SOLSC 5

Last night, a determined Nik Wallenda walked a tightrope over The Jaws of Death, an active volcano. I was struck by his fearless pursuit of the art of balancing, his quest to overcome fear, and fervent faith. With razor-sharp confidence, Nik modeled for the millions of viewers what balance looks like in the face of challenge. His amazing walk influenced mine. 

Balancing life,
one step in front of the other,
evenly distributing weight
to remain upright and steady.

How many times, 
have I lost my balance, 
my symmetry? 
Finding it takes practice,
courage to walk 
the tightrope of life
with faith.

©CV, 2020

 Nik Wallenda walks over an active volcano.

It's Spiritual Journey Thursday and Fran Haley is hosting at her blog post, 
Lilt Bits and Pieces with an interesting perspective on balance.

Each year since March 2015, I engage in Two Writing Teacher's Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge. 
Slicing allows me to ponder life, literacy, and learning, capturing small moments poetically
through writing, photography, and digital art. 

Day 5 of 31 days of writing March Slice of Life 2020 Story Challenge


  1. It comes down to us paying attention to ourselves, our own steps, and trying out best to keep them in balance. Thanks for this, Carol. A good thought to contemplate.

    1. Karen, I would say I am definitely off balance tonight what with two presentations with my team at a statewide conference, out to dinner with my sister (she lives in Central NYS where the conference is and trying to get my writing in). This all made me not able to so. Got to get into a rhythm to make it through another long day tomorrow. Will try to keep my steps in balance.

  2. "Courage to walk/ the tightrope of life with faith" - I am reminded of "walking the razor's edge" - the intensely careful balance, the finesse it takes, to navigate life past forces that would pull us down. This is a fascinating perspective on balance, Carol! A worthy OLW, indeed. And how often we lose our symmetry ... Wishing you a lovely time with your sister and I admire how you are getting the writing done - here's to hitting that stride!

  3. I was unaware of this event until I walked with a friend last evening who mentioned it. Love the connections you make in your poem -
    " courage to walk
    the tightrope of life
    with faith."
    Here's to an easier day to fit in writing with your myriad commitments, Carol. Have fun with your sister!

    1. Ramona, here I am again at night trying to scramble to write my PF slice and respond to others. 3 days away with an 7-hour-day id traveling home from the conference I presented at has made me so appreciated of sitting on my bed and just relaxing.

  4. "How many times,
    have I lost my balance,
    my symmetry? "
    This struck a cord with me.
    I like your choice to write beautiful poetry in the midst of busy conference time.
