
Sunday, March 29, 2020

Reflection on a Gray Day_SOLSC 29

Gray tones predominately appear outside
my window creating a somber tone.
Loneliness lines the streets.
Suddenly, I notice 
a pop of color
that wakens 
my senses.

Reflection on a Gray Day

Nature has a color palette she brings out
when time is right and we need it most--
even a touch of gray on a spring day.

I notice the pink buds on the tree
outside my window. They relish the
hope spring brings as soft rain trickles.

I think about communing with nature
focusing on peace and harmony
on this touch-of-gray spring day, 

There is the reassurance of nature's
silent steadfastness during troubled times 
especially as the spring rains continually fall down.

Untroubled by the weather, I appreciate the cycle
of life conjured by the sights of spring. My words
of hope rise in a blissful song of gratitude.

Found poem designed by ©CV, 2020
Using modified comments regarding Dear Spring Bud's comments from  Slicers: arjeha, Ramona Behnke, Glenda Funk, Clare Landrigan, Chris Margocs, Brian Rosinsky

Each year since March 2015, I have engaged in Two Writing Teacher's Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge. Slicing allows me to ponder life, literacy, and learning, capturing small moments poetically through writing, photography, and digital art. Welcome to Day 29 of 31 days of writing with Two Writing Teachers


  1. Thank you for including me in your poem, Carol. Your poem gives us all a sense of hope.

    1. Thank you for our friendship as writing partners, arjeha. Hope is what is needed as the counts of COVID-19 patients rise here on Long Island.

  2. Soft rain trickles... what a calming phrase.

    1. My husband thought the rain was annoying but I wanted to keep positive. If it wasn't raw outside, I might have take a walk in the rain but then I would have needed an umbrella. I hear that VA schools are closed but not in DC. Is that correct, Diane?

  3. Your poem is a nod to this idea from Paul Valery: "A work is never completed, but merely abandoned." And sometimes, it's expansively revisited. Welcome back :)

    1. And now we are rolling into April for a round of National Poetry Month writing. Hope you join me there, Brian.

  4. I like how reusing someone else's words creates new breathing and emotion. This poem is perfect for the times we have.

    1. Poems of hope are definitely needed for these times, Terje. It is amazing how we live so far away but still share a universal bond.

  5. I had to go back and read my comments; what a joy to find those words in your poem! Thanks for including me, Carol! The poem is so fluid. You've done a great job of combining our thoughts.

    1. Fluidity was definitely a problem for me, Chris. I spent the better part of a day shifting lines and revising the poem until I finally thought it was ready. Thank you for adding your comments to my slices this March.

  6. Beautiful and I LOVE the idea of taking responses and creating something new from them. What a great way to support true response! You should play more with this idea - really powerful in so many ways. Thank you.

    1. I have been thinking about this way of bringing responses to a new level of sharing, Clare. I started with glow and grow statements that were not being used by teachers. Even when I asked them to share a grow statement for the partner they found that difficult. Thanks for prompting me to think more deeply about this.
