
Saturday, March 21, 2020

Spring Fling Virtual Party_SOLSC 21

Life continues to amaze me these days during the quarantine. I think many people are feeling "cooped up" and restless and it has only been one long week since COVID-19 has really shaken the world. When Leigh Anne Eck wrote, "Since our lives have been turned upside-down, I thought a self-care party was something we could all use right now," I quickly accepted her invitation.

Invitation from the Hostess with the Mostess

RSVP to Leigh Anne

Created with Buncee

Three self-care ideas/items that I will bring to the party for #quarentainment fun:
  1. A necessity during the days of COVID-19: a roll of toilet paper since it is so difficult to find
  2. A treat for all: a festive array of homemade cookies with baking tips
  3. A dollop of creativity to engage everyone in an artsy endeavor: creating Buncee poems, inspirational posters, or fun photos for a scrapbooking page
Are you interested in being my guest at the party? It's time to start preparing! This will be a wonderful distraction while we New Yorkers are guided by Governor Cuomo's mantra, Shelter and Place.

Each year since March 2015, I have engaged in Two Writing Teacher's Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge. Slicing allows me to ponder life, literacy, and learning, capturing small moments poetically through writing, photography, and digital art. Welcome to Day 21 of 31 days of writing with Two Writing Teachers


  1. I love seeing these positive posts from the US while we are still living relatively normal lives here...for now. Thanks for the post, and the idea!

    1. We all need some creative distractions during the pandemic crisis. Why not #quarentainment since we are feeling cooped up? Where are you located? Thanks for stopping by.

  2. I am glad you are joining the party. We need the joy. We need the cookies too. I am thankful my oldest baked chocolate chip cookies yesterday.

  3. I wonder how many of us are turning to baking? My little one loves to make banana bread and cookies, and we've been busy. One chilling fact I learned a few days ago is that the grocery store nearby is out of baking powder. But luckily my wife knows a work-around! Love your playful party ideas you shared here. Thanks, Carol!

    1. Thank you, Lanny, for adding your thoughts. My 2 1/2 year old granddaughter who lives 6 hours away helped me bake cookies while I visited her. She has her own kitchen built by her mother and now has transitioned to Mommy's kitchen as a future sous chef. Baking builds its own share of memories. May your weekend be filled with yummy events.

  4. I saw Leigh Anne's invitation, too - working on it! What brings more comfort than cookies, artsy endeavors ... and, nowadays, toilet paper? I adore your tag "quarantainment." Made me smile.

    1. Fran, I hope you add your own RSVP to Leigh Anne's invitation. I will look forward to reading how you will celebrate a rare virtual event. Maybe someday slicers will join together. A few years ago, I attended a slicer breakfast at NCTE. It is a joyful event when connected colleagues meet each other face-to-face.

  5. Shelter in place? With toilet paper, cookies, and creativity, sounds more like: party in place :)

    1. If we have to stay at home and shelter in place, we might as well enjoy our virtual time together, Brian. Stay safe!

  6. #quarentainment sounds very interesting! Self-care is of utmost importance right now!

  7. Thank you Carol for joining and for sharing. Baked goods are a must! I am afraind I may be indugling in too many these next couple of weeks. I love the animation in your image -thank you for the TP!

  8. Soup-making has also been cathartic; I made a big pot of creamy celery-potato soup yesterday loaded with diced veggies, enough to share. I'm in!

  9. I don’t know, Carol, I might need all my toilet paper for myself. I do have those three rolls left from the failed attempt to toilet paper my trees in mud-February, and I saw a dandy toilet paper roll cake image yesterday that has me inspired to bake.

  10. I am all for baking, I find it relaxing, it takes my mind off things, and it makes the house smell good. There is also that tasty whatever was being baked when you are finished. I like that you are bring creativity to Leigh Anne's party. This far into March I am sure some creativity would be a welcome gift by many.

  11. Nice job, Carol! These are perfect things to bring! Baking and cooking are a couple of things getting me through this weird time. Working on my own post about this!

  12. I haven't done any baking yet, but it's on my to do list, Carol. I'll see you at the party soon! Be safe! xx

    1. I look forward to your post, Christie. It is great to hear from you. Stay safe.
