
Friday, March 20, 2020

Watching Nature_SOLSC 20/Poetry Friday

If you watch how nature deals with adversity,
continually renewing itself, 
you can't help but learn.
-Bernie Siegel
changes life, nature remains
a constant
on the cusp of spring
reeds stand tall as birds take flight
winter sends its chill
osprey watches eggs
gallant guard of youth
nature hears its call
preserve reflects
in silent reverence
community nods
geese stroll in sun
winter lights shadows-
spring forward

Each year since March 2015, I have engaged in Two Writing Teacher's Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge. Slicing allows me to ponder life, literacy, and learning, capturing small moments poetically through writing, photography, and digital art. Welcome to Day 19 of 31 days of writing with Two Writing Teachers
This week, poet/illustrator, Michelle Kogan, hosts Poetry Friday Roundup with spriing-finding flair. Check out the vivid drawings and assorted poems here


  1. The quote that begins your post is spot on! And, it ties your poetry and images together nicely. I'm especially fond of the osprey parent watching over its young.

    1. I was totally amazed by the osprey parent (which my husband and son supposed was the mother). This bird was so vigilant and looked down at viewers watching their every move. It makes me think that this is so similar to human's stance with their little ones. Thanks for stopping by so early in the morning.

  2. Your poem and pictures remind us that there is normalcy in these trying times.

    1. "Bring Back the Nomalcy" is my mantra these days. Thanks for sharing my walk with me.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Roy for stopping by and giving a shoutout on Twitter. I appreciate your gesture.

  4. Lovely photos. “Nature heard its call,” and we hear the call of nature.? We are in the same wavelength, both in our reaction to COVID-19 and in our response—get outside, which I channeled in my slice today, too.

    1. Wavelength channel revs up. I will be over to look at your slice, Glenda. It's a dark day again and I am concerned that the sky is hiding its beautiful spring colors. A walk is a must.

  5. I can relate to this post. Nature keeps being nature. Being in nature is my way staying grounded.

    1. Nature has a flow to it it as evidence by the osprey nest at the top of the pole. This year, the only difference is that the nest is much larger. Thanks for dropping by,Terje.

  6. I love everything in this post. The quote at the beginning is the perfect way to start your series of pictures and haiku. Things are changing so fast, but outside, nature continues on. So shall we.

    1. Kay, your last statement is what I hang on to. "So shall we," is part of the American spirit.

  7. Thank you for capturing the beautiful environment around you. You are so great at this! I was inspired by your modern day fairy tale headline at the site today and wrote one for my slice. Thanks for inspiring.

  8. This poem brought me peace and serenity. Thank you for brightening my day.

  9. This poem brought me peace and serenity. Thank you for brightening my day.

  10. What a perfect quote to lead into your stroll through nature. So many lovely word combinations heralding gentleness and hope in your poetry. 'On the cusp of spring', 'gallant guard or youth' - and that constancy of nature. Thank-you for sharing and encouraging. Continue to spread joy.

  11. Your words and images go a long way in helping see the "constant" of nature. Thank you for your pairings, Carol. :)

  12. Nature for the win. You put into words what I've been feeling.

  13. What a wonderful point of view... yes! Nature, all around us, is going about it's daily routine, completely oblivious to all our (read MY) whining and quibbling. Keep calm and carry one, right? Loved this post, Carol ... thanks!!!

  14. Love this post Carol, thank goodness we have nature to distract and inspire us! Thanks for all the wonderful images too, all gorgeous, keep well, xo

  15. Lovely photos and poems. And isn't it nice to get out in nature right now? A source of sanity.
