
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

#QuarantineLife Musings

The afternoon sun was playing peek-a-boo as I walked around my garden marveling at the blossoms of spring. My lilac bush, full with fragrance, filled the air with a familiar scent from my childhood. I indulged in the freshness of the perfumed air while walking past the brilliance and plentitude of my rose bushes. The garden was still except for the soft music of Yanni's Butterfly Dance. I felt at peace.

"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, 
where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike." -John Muir

In this tranquil setting, I stepped out of my comfort zone and created a video of quarantine life. Wrapped in an outdoor mask that I made, I luxuriated in spring's bountiful blessing for a few moments. Then, I quickly shared my passion for writing and designing a gallery of artistic expressions that shares Earth's beauty. Please take a few more moments to visit Nature Nurtures! padlet

I hope the short jaunt there allows you to breathe in the freshness of spring while wandering through the collection.

Today is Slice of Life Tuesday so I am traveling to Two Writing Teachers to be quieted by the inspiration of pens scribbling across the page.
See the first piece I found there.


  1. Carol, as always your words and your link to nature are a balm to the aching soul ... the Muir quote is perfect and I, too, used the Morrison quote in my post today. I love your brave quarantine video advocating for passion, a walk, and appreciating the natural beauty around us - and your homemade mask with stars!

    1. My faraway friend, thank you for coming closer and whispering in my ear. It is so comforting. Between your soothing words and Molly's restful photos, I feel relaxed. I needed a respite.

  2. Good to “hear” the voice that’s so familiar from your words, read so often. This quarantine life... such a challenge.

    1. Oh, Diane, it was a challenge making the video but I feel that I accomplished something. Thanks for joining me and letting my thoughts reach yours.

  3. I went out to cut the mask. It felt so good to be out, unencumbered by a maks. Seeing the flowers, smelling the fresh cut grass, watching the robins hop around the yard brought a sense of peace.

    1. I know what you mean. The mask is getting hot but it is a safety precaution. I love smelling the cut grass as I walk past homes that are being mowed. It is another thing that brings me back to my childhood.

  4. Just Lovely thank you for shairing this I would love to have a poem and pic in your new gleary

    1. Who is this speaking? I would like to thank you for stopping by.
