
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Teachers as Essential Workers

It is the end of the school year and I think everyone will agree that this year has been a tumultuous one for schools around the globe. Because of the due diligence educators have given to instruction and student learning, they should be honored as the essential workers of the education field. Back in March, they came together to enter a new age of remote learning as teacher-learners. Knowing that this type of teaching was the only way children could safely continue their education during the COVID-19 quarantine, teachers embraced the call of action. 

Thousands of teachers dedicated their quarantine life teaching days to bring a sense of calm to students in need of guidance and instruction. This week, committed Long Island educators will sadly end their virtual teaching time for the 2019-20 school year. To honor their diligence to educating the whole child, we should honk horns and shout out to these passionate educators who spent time reinventing their classroom rituals and routines. Their steadfastness toward their goal of educating the whole child, allowed them to mastermind a plan from their homes.  It was not an easy path of learning but they persisted in hopes of guiding  their learners on their own journeys.  

needs to rally 'round school,
shout praise for concerned educators,
inspired to reimagine their teaching practices
during the trying times of Covid-19.
With passion in their hearts,
they came together as
armed to

For a touch of humor, Listen to teacher Michael Bruening singing ,
Will Survive, Coronavirus version fro teachers going online.

I appreciate Michael's song so I'll play it as I continue to navigate the world of online teaching via the Canvas platform. Wish me luck! My 4-day ELA Summer Graduate School Institute at the local college is soon to begin. 

In the meantime, it's Slice of Life Tuesday so I'm heading over to Two Writing Teachers to join the community of writers. 


  1. I totally agree that teachers should be honored as essential. I think that many parents now have a new appreciation for teachers and what they do. Teaching is not a 7:00 to 3:00 job that ends when the last students leaves the room.
    Good luck with your Summer Institute. I am sure many good ideas will be shared.

    1. While waiting in a line, I was eavesdropping on a conversation between two parents talking about school. They were excited about what teachers offered during the quarantine teaching period. YEAH! Thanks for your good wishes.

  2. I hope that all the teachers get enough rest during the summer, to build resilience and have energy to teach with their heart again in the fall. I like how the shape of the poem supports the message.

    1. We do need to teach with our heart, Terje. Thank you for liking my shape poem. I was writing with the intent of creating one but did not know how it would turn out until I started writing. That is why I especially like to work digitally.

  3. Oh, Carol, I love your poem and the song you shared too. I'm sharing your post with my teacher friends. They deserve our deep gratitude! It was a challenge and they stepped up to the plate with passion and love for their students.

    1. Ramona, I am honored that you will share my post with your teacher friends. Teachers deserve a restful summer to recharge their batteries for an active fall, however that will look.

  4. Such truth, Carol - teachers across the globe pulled off a Herculean feat in this remote learning venture (which I've heard described as "not remote learning but emergency distance education"). Teachers have to think on their feet and roll forward with what's best for kids, altering course on a moment's notice if needed - never have we seen it more than in these past weeks. I work mostly with teachers vs. directly with students but I have never been more amazed by the resilience and dedication of those in our profession ... and the collective sharing of ideas. Let us continue to refine this moving forward. And that video-! Look out, Gloria Gaynor!

    1. Fran, I like the term "emergency distance learning" because it is a apt description of the work teachers did during their quarantine life teaching days. I laughed when I listened to the video. There is another one by a music teacher that shows her humor behind frustration and serious amount of work that seems to be more than usual. Unusual times means we need to rise to the occasion.

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