
Thursday, June 25, 2020


I am practicing what I "preach" this week, as I prepare remote lessons for the ELA Summer Institute graduate class that I will teach online.  Teaching in this fashion is a brand-new experience for me. I do believe that teacher-learners need to move beyond their comfort zone if they are to guide students to do the same but what a journey it is to be caught in a cyberspace storm. While learning the Canvas platform, I cyberspace swooped down and sucked up major portions of my work with just a click. My blunder! A few more of these led me to be more vigilant and persistent. I was frustrated but eager to move through the frenzy of getting my work finished but when my husband suggested that I join him and my son for a walk on the boardwalk, I realized that I deserved a break. Off I went into the car, starring at the bright sunshine and wondering what I would find at the beach.  The lure of a seaside walk on a beautiful June day was too appealing to worry about work. 

Masked with iPhone in hand, I stepped from the ramp onto the boardwalk and listened to the sound of the sea lapping the shore. I scanned the beach looking for signs of compliance. Social distancing was seen on the beach as well as the boardwalk. Even the gulls swooped in a format that fit quarantine life. 

What a splendid afternoon walk I had. I left the beach in wonderment of nature and its constancy while wondering if this is what a weekend day at the beach would look like?  Probably not, but I want to hope for the best! 

The sea has a soothing effect on my quarantine life perspective. Inspired by the sights and sounds of the beach, I returned home to find the poem on wonderment I wrote for a poetry swap for Brenda Harsham.  My walk in the sun by the sea led me to pair the poem with a question for my teacher-learner students. Where will wonder lead you this fall? 

I certainly can say that poetry allows me to be in a state of awed admiration of nature. My jaunt to the beach was medicine for the body, mind, spirit, and soul. Poetic thoughts were flowing as I watched the waves swoop to shore and gulls swoon in sweeping gestures. 

As I finish tonight's work for my course, I join the Poetry Friday Roundup at my friend Karen Eastland's Blog, Karen's Got a Blog!  Come, join me for some more poetry goodness.


  1. Carol:I'm glad you took time for a walk. So often it's the time we take that feeds us... and your poems reflect that as well. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Karen, it was so thoughtful of you to add my link to your post. I have been importing into information on the Canvas platform for my grad students and I totally forgot about the time. I missed going out for a beach walk today because I am so locked into getting this work ready for Monday's institute but I have the memory from earlier this week. Thanks for hosting PF this week.

  2. I'm glad you got that walk on the beach. There are days when I'm in front of the computer all day and forget to get out and appreciate the world, even if I'm doing it in isolation.
    Thank you for sharing your poems.
    Good luck with your course. I know your students will be lucky to be learning from you.

    1. Tricia, thank you for joining me this morning. I am waking on this Friday morning with my computer and the intense desire to finish uploading my module for the start of my grad class on Monday AND sneaking in some Poetry Friday goodness. Thanks for your good wishes.

  3. Your walk on the beach sounds heavenly, Carol. The solace I find on my walks, only in the neighborhood, cannot be ignored. I'm glad you took that invitation & that it was wonderful.

    1. Walks are such sacred time, Linda. They provide time to think about life and living. I hope to take a walk on the boardwalk today to give me clarity and peace.

  4. Carol, I'm envious of your quick access to the beach. How wonderful to hear the ocean and walk on the boardwalk. I'm sure the experience adds to your wonder and creativity. I know it would for me.

    1. Janice, I hope to take another one of my inspirational boardwalk walks today. The sun is shining unlike yesterday when the rains soaked the streets.

  5. Ohhhhh that butterfly in ‘Wonderment’ is so pretty. I would love taking a course with you. Have fun and enjoy.

    1. ...and I would love to play with words and make paper collages with you, Linda.

  6. Here's to the healing power of nature! Every day when I was teaching online, I would make it a part of my routine to take a break and take a walk outdoors. As for you, nature kept me grounded. Your question about where wonder will lead us next fall is going in my planning doc for 20-21. I want to make plenty of time for both wonder and JOY. Thank you for being you -- you are such an inspiration!

    1. Mary Lee, I am glad that my question is one to ponder this fall. I hope my grad students feel the same way. One of my students a math and robotics teacher is joining my ELA Summer Institute class. I am so excited to have someone in that content field in the class. I hope he accepts my challenge to write a poem about his quarantine life.

  7. Sorry about losing your work like that--so frustrating! Glad you took a break. Your passion for nature and poetry is always fabulous and inspiring, Carol!

  8. Carol, I'm so glad you took a walk and that it inspired you and refreshed you. Time at the beach tends to put things in perspective for me. I also admire your persistence and positive attitude as you work through the "cyberspace storm."

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