
Thursday, October 29, 2020

Welcome to Dead End-Poetry Friday Rises!

Have You Ever:
Faced a dead end?
Wondered where life will lead you?
Seen pathways as a bookend
squished between few alternatives?
Brushed away sticky cobwebs and
tangled knots of this and that?
Searched for waves that in sunlight ebb
that lessen the dread?
©CV, 2020
a place where fears rise
as phobias spiral into
a nebulous light of fright
 on Hallow's Eve.
As phobias spiral into
mounting terror
on Hallow's Eve,
moonbeams dance in a spectral mist.
Mounting terror
rises while stars swirl on a broomstick ride.
Moonbeams dance in a spectral mist
and costumed characters ward off fiendish howls.
Rising while stars swirl on a broomstick ride,
crispcool ghouls flash their razor-sharp grins
and costumed characters ward off fiendish howls.
Who seeks refuge in garden graveyards?
   Chrispcool ghouls flash their razorsharp grins
and scare the bravest lad
who seeks refuge in garden graveyards,
a place where fears R I S E.
©CV, 2020, pantoum poem
The following golden shovel takes the strike line, mischiefs that on moonbeams ride, from Hallowe'en by Joel Benton to create a spooky poem. 
Listen to Benton's reading here for a Halloween treat. 
Within the dimness of night, mischiefs
rise as childish pranks spiral into that
vast expanse of fright on
Halloween. In the fractured light, moonbeams
shimmer as witches ride.
©CV, 2020
All of the above images of spooky scenes were shot while walking through my neighborhood, then digitized to create an eery effect.
Join me for the Halloween version of the Poetry Friday Roundup. I can't wait to see what poetic goodness our Denver host, Linda Baie, is serving. Below you will see the digital inspiration, One Halloween wish from Denver, Linda sent me for the "Haunted House Poemtober Journey" collection of my Abundant Autumn Gallery.

Monday, October 26, 2020

October's Transition

Because nature has brought a sense of peace to troubled times this season, I am grateful. October, the high point of autumn, paves the golden path for November to usher in a slower pace with thankful thoughts. For this transition, I have created my first pantoum.

A pantoum is a poem of any length, composed of four-line stanzas in which the second and fourth lines of each stanza serve as the first and third lines of the next stanza. The last line of a pantoum is often the same as the first. 

October's Transition

October ends its stay with slipsliding stride.
Crunching rustling leaves.
Spreading multicolored layers thin.
Preparing a way for more crispcool times.

Crunching rustling leaves,
October's evening blush dims,
Spreading multicolored layers thin
as enchanted evening dreams begin

October's evening blush dims
into a speckled indigo sky.
As enchanted evening dreams begin,
nature golddusts earth with thankful sighs.

Into a speckled indigo sky
November sweeps through like a feather duster
as enchanted evening dreams begin
flowing through crispclean air.

November sweeps through like a feather duster
refreshing late autumn's terrain.
Flowing through crispclean air,
October ends its stay with slipsliding stride.
©CV, 2020


turns into November thanks
Autumn walks in beauty on days
of lustrous hues, muted skies, and
earth bedecked in dazzling jewels.
©CV, 2020


To add a more gratitude for a season of grandeur, I honor the work of fellow slicers who write alongside me for my Abundant Autumn Global Gallery of Artistic Expressions.

Pandemic Getaway

on pandemic
woes as it invites
travelers to peaceful
shores filled with wishwells of joy.
Pause to bask in nature's grandeur
during getaways that provide rest
from the stresses of a compromised world. 
©CV, 2020, etheree

May October's beauty transition joyfully
into November's crispcool settling time.


I am sending this Slice of Life to Two Writing Teachers.

Thank you to the following slicers for offering your artistic expressions on the Abundant Autumn Gallery of Artistic Expressions, Slicers' Edition.
Terje Akke
Ramona Behnke
Fran Haley
Bob Hamera
Kevin Hodgson
Molly Hogan
Margaret Simon

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Haunted House Poemtober Journey

Join me for a strange Poemtober journey enroute to Halloween. Just stay a short time for a poetic diversion into the bizarre world of seasonal decorations. 

All it takes is one ticket and a few moments to enter a world of bloodcurdling howling and ghoulish fright with a cast of strange characters.
welcome to my world's
cemetery of dread-
enter at your risk
©CV, 2020
how dare you wake me
from a peaceful resting place-
day shift starts now
©CV, 2020
creepy clown sightings
rise from haunted spaces-
free hugz for all
©CV, 2020
trading toad, werewolf
bones for carnevil horror-
weird farmers market
©CV, 2020
ready for today's
decapitated offerings-
no tricks just treats
©CV, 2020
bloodcurdling howl from 
age-old decompositions-
tale as old as time
©CV, 2020
time to journey on
dear child, dreaded darkness nears-
sweet dreams yet to come
©CV, 2020
Listen to "Sweet Dreams" by Eurythmics
monsters are out tonight
rushing from their tombs
bony bodies full of fright
crushing autumn blooms.
©CV, 2020

Thank you for taking a haunted house tour through my neighborhood. 
Sleep well. Monsters are only figments of our imaginations. 

Halloween 2020 may not take on the same outdoor fun of years past BUT
this virtual Haunted House Journey will provide a new normal experience.

I'm off on my virtual broom to fly into the Poetry Friday Roundup at Jama's Alphabet Soup Jama Rattigan, the ultimate hostess, always serves edible and non-edible treats of poetic goodness.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Poemtober's Blackdraped Evening

During October, when the leaves are tinted with golddust and autumn air is crispclean, the creation of a Poemtober experience becomes a therapeutic, poetic diversion from heaviness hovering over the world. Thanks to my Florida poet-friend, Rebecca Herzog, who originated the Poemtober word list, I offer a seasonal collection of poetry. Inspired by outside decorations found in my Long Island neighborhood, I have gathered a plethora of visual prompts.

Below you will find an eerie-looking gathering of spectral sights that sway under an October blackdraped evening. To enhance the scene and create an illuminated sight, I digitized the original photo. Then, I crafted a septercet poem, a form created by poet Jane Yolen with a pattern of seven syllables in three-line stanzas. 

 "I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey."

  The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Welcome to a Blackdraped Evening Celebration

Specters' Chant

"Trick or treat," we sing tonight
as night sounds cause howling fright
and specters rise from their rest.

Illuminated in white,
hands join in a spooky fest,
calling spirits from the tomb.

Under a blackdraped, night sky
hums of ancient doom and gloom
cause neighbors' woeful outcry.

"Shed your flowing white costume
Return to your earthen bed,
the cemetery of dread."
©CV, 2020


Because life is full of fears these days, I saw this amazing outdoor decoration and knew exactly what I wanted to create. My etheree is a call to action, do not enter the fear zone! Face fears that haunt your waking hours.

Do not let
them enter your
home but face your fears.
They play tricks, ghoulishly
cause weeping, and entomb the
living in a virtual crypt
of trembling trepidation causing
bonechilling frustration and disruption.
©CV, 2020


From one year to the next Poemtober offer opportunities to revisit thoughts and happenings, and create stories, stitches of memories sewn together. For now, join me for Slice of Life Tuesday at Two Writing Teachers and keep writing. It's National Day on Writing.