
Monday, October 26, 2020

October's Transition

Because nature has brought a sense of peace to troubled times this season, I am grateful. October, the high point of autumn, paves the golden path for November to usher in a slower pace with thankful thoughts. For this transition, I have created my first pantoum.

A pantoum is a poem of any length, composed of four-line stanzas in which the second and fourth lines of each stanza serve as the first and third lines of the next stanza. The last line of a pantoum is often the same as the first. 

October's Transition

October ends its stay with slipsliding stride.
Crunching rustling leaves.
Spreading multicolored layers thin.
Preparing a way for more crispcool times.

Crunching rustling leaves,
October's evening blush dims,
Spreading multicolored layers thin
as enchanted evening dreams begin

October's evening blush dims
into a speckled indigo sky.
As enchanted evening dreams begin,
nature golddusts earth with thankful sighs.

Into a speckled indigo sky
November sweeps through like a feather duster
as enchanted evening dreams begin
flowing through crispclean air.

November sweeps through like a feather duster
refreshing late autumn's terrain.
Flowing through crispclean air,
October ends its stay with slipsliding stride.
©CV, 2020


turns into November thanks
Autumn walks in beauty on days
of lustrous hues, muted skies, and
earth bedecked in dazzling jewels.
©CV, 2020


To add a more gratitude for a season of grandeur, I honor the work of fellow slicers who write alongside me for my Abundant Autumn Global Gallery of Artistic Expressions.

Pandemic Getaway

on pandemic
woes as it invites
travelers to peaceful
shores filled with wishwells of joy.
Pause to bask in nature's grandeur
during getaways that provide rest
from the stresses of a compromised world. 
©CV, 2020, etheree

May October's beauty transition joyfully
into November's crispcool settling time.


I am sending this Slice of Life to Two Writing Teachers.

Thank you to the following slicers for offering your artistic expressions on the Abundant Autumn Gallery of Artistic Expressions, Slicers' Edition.
Terje Akke
Ramona Behnke
Fran Haley
Bob Hamera
Kevin Hodgson
Molly Hogan
Margaret Simon


  1. "Slipsliding stride" is the perfect alliterative way to describe the transition from moody October to thanksgiving in a new November - let us be about seeking peace within and around us, as offered by the writers and poets here. Every image glows like autumn leaves, Carol - a beautiful collation. Your enchanting pantoum imparts both peace and gratitude, in every graceful line. So lovely, Carol. Thank you.

    1. Thank you, Fran, for allowing me the privilege of adding your writing to this collection. I am so thankful to belong to such an active group of writers who are creative and caring in every way.

  2. "October, the high point of autumn, paves the golden path for November to usher in a slower pace with thankful thoughts." - a beautiful sentence to lead into the photo/poetry gallery.

    1. Thank you, Terje. I also want to thank you for adding my blog site link to make my post active. I guess I was too tired when I wrote the post to notice.

    2. Thank you, Terje. May our November be filled with beautiful photos of nature's beauty and a heartful of thanks.

  3. November comes as a feather-duster. I love that line. Sure wish we had that feather-dusting of snow rather than another hurricane (number 7 this season) coming our way. Thanks for adding my ditty to your collection. I should write a new one for this year.

    1. Margaret, I always think of you and your family when the news of hurricanes comes through. Please take care. Yes, I would love for a new image poem of autumn in Louisiana from you and your students. I always love the care and creative they share. Maybe one day you can offer a quick write on abundant autumn and let the children know they will have a place of honor in my gallery.

  4. Carol, your Pantoum captures the sounds of fall. I particularly like “slipsliding stride” and the “crunchy” words. We seem to have skipped November and December and Jumped right into January w/ nighttime temperatures in single digits the past couple nights. I wanted more fall this year.

    1. Glenda, I am so surprised by the turn in climate across the country. Single digits-eeks! What a Halloween trick! Thanks for joining me here.

  5. Carol, congrats on a beautifully written first, and hopefully not the last, pantoum. I love the transition from October into November. You really highlight the vibrant colors of October - "evening blush", "speckled indigo sky", "nature golddusts earth". I appreciate your adding my acrostic to your collection.

    1. Thanks, Bob. You inspired me to try a pantoum. I wrote a second one that will be showcased in my Poetry Friday blog this week. I must admit this format is tricky. I also got the idea of a slicers' edition to my fall gallery when I worked on your #imagepoem. It is always great to share the work of others in a public forum.

  6. You painted such gorgeous images with your words in your poems. The photos were a bonus, but were unnecessary due tot he way you helped me envision the beauty of this season with your poem.

    1. Stacey, it is good to hear from you. I hope you are healing well. Thank you for your comment. I feel so lucky to have weekly communication this wonderful writing community you organized. I appreciate all of the thoughts of support from the writers I have grown to know.

  7. The pantoum is beautiful, Carol. I wonder how hard you found it to write or if it came easily? I imagine it would be hard, finding just the right line to use to continue to next stanza of the poem. In any case, hard or easy, you did a wonderful job. In addition the works of the other slicers are fabulous as well! A very enjoyable post! Thank you!

    1. Carol, a pantoum is not easy for me. I have been wanting to try one though. I read several pantoums before writing. I arranged and rearranged lines while working the poem and reread the final poem many times to make sure I got the flow the way I wanted it. If you try one, please share it with me. I would love to reads yours. Also, if you have an offering for my Abundant Autumn Gallery, please send it on.

  8. "Wishwells of joy!" Carol, thanks for the Etheree you composed for my pandemic getaway photo. There is so much to love in this post! I'm a fellow lover of fall. I adore every line of your pantouum, but especially this stanza:
    Crunching rustling leaves,
    October's evening blush dims,
    Spreading multicolored layers thin
    as enchanted evening dreams begin
    Thanks for your gorgeous paean to fall!

    1. Oh, Ramona, I am so glad that you saw this. I wanted to capture your photo with the words you used so I worked on the etheree, edited, and finally found the words to use. I am not sure how I came upon wishwells of joy but I think it was the photo that helped me with this wording and thinking about Irene Latham's message of pressing words together. Anyways, it worked for me and now it works for you. Now you added a word that I definitely need to use in my gallery: paean. I love that we are long-distant friends who had the opportunity to meet up. Happy fall.
