
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

November Peace

November graciously enters autumn with a bit of October's vibrance until winds of change toss leaves about. Days grow shorter. Earth becomes quieter and tree branches expose their limbs gracefully against a darkening sky. Within this unembellished world, many turn their eyes away not seeing the beauty that lies within nature's arms. 

November holds mysteries heard in whispering winds or in piles of crunchable leaves if we listen. Do you see the beauty beyond the chilled breath of sweatherweather afternoons before the onset of dusk? Step into my digital artwork to discover November peace.
One chilled, windy day last week, I walked through my neighborhood feeling a reverent silence for the stillness of the approaching night. I captured this scene and subsequently digitized it and wrote a cherita, "a linked poetry form of one-, two-, and three-line stanzas that tells a story. A cherita depends on conciseness and suggestion for its effect." 

It is my hope that you will honor the slowed-down pace of November in gratitude for its blessings, even when it is difficult to see through the darkening clouds and storms of life.

in november
listen in silence to earth
gratitude whispers
©CV, 2020

I join Two Writing Teachers for the Tuesday Slice of Life to share a small moment of a November day.


  1. I’ve had a pretty busy November filled w/ home renovations but often think how lucky southerners are to have some extra warm days in November. As I gotten older, I enjoy the crisp air more. And I adore how you discover and share all these unusual poetry forms, Carol. Today’s is lovely.

    1. Thank you for joining me here, Glenda. Crisp air turned cold today as I was helping with a fundraiser sale in the open air. Breathing in the freshness was nice until my hands starting freezing (under my gloves). Came home 3 hours later to a hot cup of soup. Nature continues to Nurture.

  2. This is beautiful Carol. Nature has brought me peace, hope, and connection these past eight months. Your writing captures all of this and more. Hope you are well - I miss connecting with you at conferences.

  3. Honest, Carol, I did not read your post before I wrote and posted mine. There really is beauty in what lies beneath the covering of the leaves. I really appreciate learning about all of the different formats of poetry that you use. " listen in silence to earth" - there is so much to hear if we just open our ears.

    1. Isn't it amazing how we both came to the same point? Today, the cold from outside has shifted inside. Brr-running to the heating system for a puff of heat.

  4. The cherita is perfect for the times, Carol. We must be still enough to hear the whispers - and feel the gratitude.
