
Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Thoughts on a Leaf Storm

Before Election Day 2020, I looked out a November sky and witnessed an amazing sight. A whooshing noise, swaying movement of branches, and leaves letting go in a downward descent were evidence of a dramatic leaf storm. News of this filled the broadcast channels. I watched and pondered as the leaves appeared to shiver in the breeze. Luckily, I had my iPhone available to record a few seconds of the event.

November Leaf Storm
tumultuous storm brewing
leaves shiver in the breeze
thoughts quiver
of election blues
©CV, 2020

After the storm, I wrote the above "naani" poem. My thoughts were centered on both the leaf storm and Election Day 2020. Obviously, the brewing storm settled, the sky opened with sunshine, and hope was felt.
A naani is one of India's popular Telugu poems introduced by Dr. N. Gopi, one of the renowned Telugu poets. Naani translates as "expression of one and all". It is composed of one stanza of four lines between twenty to twenty-five syllables. Each line is generally three-five syllables but no more than ten. The subject matter is up to the writer, but Teluga poets typically write about the human condition, race, relations, current statements, and life in general.  
13th Century Persian poet Rumi stated, "Respond to every call that excites your spirit." This thought is my call to action. Observing nature allows me to be filled with wonder, honor its movements, and find hope in both storms and sunshine, darkness and light. Sometimes the light is dim. At these times, it is necessary to respond with positivity. It may not always be the emotion felt at the moment but it is a pathway that leads us onward. I need to remember this in trying times.

November trees shake and dance.
Will Autumn stay
Winter advance?

"Seasons change as does daily life. "Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength what will endure as long as life lasts." 
-Rachel Carson
The month of November is a gratitude month. I am grateful for a pathway to hope in autumn's gold-dusted colors. What are you grateful for?

I am joining Two Writing Teachers for Tuesday's Slice of Life.


  1. This “naani” is beautifully written. Thank you for including the quote by Rumi, I’ll try to remember that to lift me up!

    1. Thank you, Pat. I see on your blog that you enjoy taking nature photos. If you have one that you would like to share on my #AbundantAutumn Gallery of Artistic Expressions, please send it along with your name and location. You can see the container on Twitter that holds many photos from around the globe (

  2. Carol, comparing the election to a wind storm is so appropriate. This week has been filled with storms and it doesn't look like the leaves have settled yet. This is a time for positivity and healing. May we all embrace it and learn to move on in calmer weather.

    1. Bob, your state was highly contested and probably still is. Your officials stood firm on the validity of the election results and the process which was great. I found the days of waiting to be agonizing but I am so grateful for the results.

  3. I'm grateful for learning this new poem form and for these thoughts in nature and change. I really does help to look for things to be grateful for, even when life seems trying. We awakened to snow today. I enjoy the cold wind in my face. I didn’t expect to grow more grateful for these flurries as I age. It’s a lovely delight.

    1. There are so many trying times in life so it helps me to try and find the positives. They are usually outside in nature, Glenda. If you have a photo of the snow in your locale that might make a good sight for my Abundant Autumn Gallery.

  4. Carol - I was thinking, while I read your lines on it being necessary to respond with positivity even when it's not felt at the moment, of something C.S. Lewis said: when we do a thing repeatedly because we know it is right, even if we don't feel it at first (like loving our neighbor), it soon becomes real. That's a rough paraphrase but I know it to be true. What am I grateful for? So many things... faith, family, my delightful granddaughter, the love of a good dog, work, and writing, writing, writing! I am grateful for your poetry, how you inspire me to try new forms, and for your love of nature. It does speak to us. The leaf storm is fascinating - so metaphorical. Here's to November trees that shake and dance - maybe shaking off any election blues.

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