
Friday, December 11, 2020

Abundant Autumn Gallery Unveiled

There is harmony 
In autumn, and a lustre in its sky, ...
-Percy Bysshe Shelley
Be my guest. Enter Abundant Autumn Gallery
of Artistic Expressions
2020  has been a most unusual year. A pandemic raged. The world tossed and turned in a tizzy of fear. Isolation, virtual learning, and masks became part of a new normal way of living. Seemingly in an effort to counterbalance earth's sorrow, nature fairydusted landscapes. Autumn glowed brilliantly, opening a season of lustrous colors and awe-inspiring sights. With artistic flourish, Autumn became an influencer, nature a silent wonder. Trees, tipped in gold, tasted nature's kiss. Awe walks became a happening. A gallery of scenic treasures emerged. 
awed by autumn's art
earth-painted masterpieces
inspired beauty
©CV, 2020
Photo by #chazchaz, South Africa, via @Al_Dhalla

I invite you to relax in the stillness of earth's beauty as you take a virtual awe walk through the
first pathway of the Abundant Autumn Gallery
In quiet morning light flooding earth,
revisit silent sanctuaries.
Pause in reverance to observe
nature's crispclean gifts of vibrant hues.
Fill your coffers with autumn's treasures
showcased in jeweled, seasonal displays.
Dip your thoughts in peaceful streams of light
as nature paints earth with abundance.
Give gratitude for its artistry.
©CV, 2020
Lillian Lake, autumn in Maine.

As you stroll through the beauty of this fall gallery, I encourage you to listen to the peaceful music of Tim Janis' Autumn Leaves.

Terje Akke from Estonia offers a touch of her countryside.
Linda Baie shares one of her Denver walk thoughts.
Offerings from Jama Rattigan's blog, Jama's Alphabet Soup.


Back in October 2019, life did not know that a pandemic would shake the world.
Matt Forrestt Esenwine, New Hampshire

Morgan from Oregon shares her lovely drawing.

Devin Hartnett, Virginia
©CVarsalona, Long Island above & Virginia below
Steve Kelley, Iowa
@Alaska Tracy, Alaska
Terje Akke, Estonia

To listen to the Abundant Autumn Playlist, click here.

Inspirational Digitals to Ponder
breathe in the crsipcool
woodsmoke season as leaves ballet
beneath oak hums
©CV, 2020, Autumn Breath Nestling from Irene Latham's book, This Poem is a Nest, Autumn


I saw old Autumn in the misty morn
Stand shadowless like Silence, listening
To silence,... -Thomas Hood
(via @stephenkelley85)

I close with gratitude for all those who helped create a successful first edition of the Abundant Autumn GalleryThe community of reflective writers has continued to grow since the first Reflect With Me Gallery of Artistic Expression in March 2014. A complete list of participants will appear at the final closing of the GalleryFor now, I bid you a fond farewell. May your next walk outside, allow you to view life through a different lens of positivity and gratitude. 

The next edition of the Abundant Autumn Gallery will follow shortly. 
There will be another inspirational walk through Autumn

For now, I join Poetry Friday with this week's host, Buffy Silverman
HOP TO IT with me by clicking here.


  1. Carol, I am both honored and delighted to be mentioned (and for Scout to be mentioned!) in your magnificent fall gallery alongside so many familiar names and such gorgeous offerings. There is such beauty, healing, and splendor in nature to be sure - and your work highlights this, and scatters it throughout a world that needs to remember to be still, and to savor. So, so beautiful - thank you so much for being the ambassador of such joy and awe!

    1. Fran, If Scout creates another drawing and/or poem, I will place her work in the next segment of the gallery. I am so thrilled to have her work being showcased. Off for another walk today because the weather is glorious.

  2. Oh, my goodness...the combination of music and words and art is really soothing and wonderful. I am smiling. At the end of a week, this is a lovely treat. Thank you!

    1. I am glad that you enjoyed the blog post, Linda. I do hope that you will send me one of your fabulous image poems or one of your paper collage poems.

  3. For more than 40 years, I didn't know why people had a fascination for Autumn. Then I experienced my first leaf-drop on a weekend visit to Melbourne... and followed it with a month in Adelaide where I adored Autumn! Now, your gallery speaks to my heart.

    1. Kat, I have always loved walking in the leaves and crunchy them. Autumn is a magical time and this year the colors exploded. Thanks for joining me here for a gallery walk and finally knowing how wonderful Autumn really is.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, Ruth. I am hoping that you will send me a fall poem/photo combination for the next segment of the gallery.

  5. Time goes so fast, Carol. It's hard to believe your first gallery was in 2014 - Wow! You've given us all such pleasure in our returning to the splendor of the seasons, remembering. I'm happy to be a small part of them, but also saw some familiar photos and words throughout this one today. Thank you! And happiest of weekends to you! Hope the house stuff is going okay!

    1. Linda, I also hope you have a happy weekend. We signed a contract for the sale of our house. It has been a long haul with many disappointments byt the spirt of Christmas is with us. We close on our VA house next weekend and that is truly exciting.

  6. So nice to take a stroll back to beautiful fall--a great break from today's gray.

    1. Good morning, Buffy. The weather is glorious today so I will be off to take a stroll. It will be a treat since the other days have been gray, cold, and wet.

  7. Carol, I love the idea of awe walks and how despite the difficulty of this year, nature still shows its beauty. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Michelle, I am so glad that I found research and articles about "awe walks" because they are such a positive approach to helping me less thwarted during pandemic life.

  8. I love your "leaves ballet beneath oak hums" Carol, great tribute to the trees and leaves. Thanks for sharing all this gorgeous fall images and poems–how abundant fall was and how fortunate we all are for her gift. Thanks also for sharing my art and poem! Happy to hear your house changing is moving along, wishing you all the best as it wraps up.

    1. Good morning, Michelle. This is the 3rd time I have tried to send this note off. The sun is shining and the weather warm so we are off to pay tribute to nature and the Lord. My 92-year-old uncle was rushed to the hospital last night with COVID. 10 people in his assisted living place got COVID. Prayer works! He was sent back in stable condition and shows no sign of fever.

  9. I like how the nature and seasons allow us appreciate beauty without borders and language. It's an invitation to be free and wild and true to oneself. Thank you!

  10. Thanks so much for your vibrant and warm - and heart-warming - tribute to autumn! (Thanks also for including my little poem) It's damp, chilly, and overcast today, so this gallery is like a bright sunbeam!

    1. Matt, nature has been a healer this season. I am grateful for each offering, nugget of inspiration, that have been sent. Enjoy the holiday season.

  11. Carol, what a collection! We'll never forget this fall, will we? I loved all the golds, deep reds and rust colors of late fall in so many of these.

    1. This Autumn season is one for the books. Thank you for joining me, Janice in a gallery walk with your work included.

  12. Carol, you have truly captured the spirit and colors of fall! Thanks for including me in the gallery. As we move into winter, I enjoyed a stroll--or perhaps an awe walk (which I learned about from you)--through Abundant Autumn.

    1. Susan, I am glad that you had time to view the gallery and take an awe walk.

    2. Susan, I am glad that you had time to view the gallery and take an awe walk.

  13. Gorgeous gallery, Carol! It's been a beautiful season of clear, bright days here in Maryland. "Dip your thoughts in peaceful streams of light" -- yes! This is what's bringing me calm during 2020.

  14. Carol, as I sit here listening to sleep pelt the window behind these pictures and words warm me with vibrant colors of Autumn. The beauty of the season shines through in every piece.
