
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Winter Walk on a Day of Peace

Winter dresses in muted blue tones on this day of peace. A crispclean chill cuts across the park, awakening January animals to perform for wandering visitors. Time stands still in in this bubble of stilled beauty. World turbulence, COVID updatings, and sounds of swiftling passing cars do not disturb the tranquil setting.  It is in this quiet place that our soul whispers and finds stillness to withstand the strife of the outside world. 

winter morning chill
cloudshifts share sky with sunshine
winter walk welcomed
©CV, 2021

peaceful pace
daystroll at McDonald Pond
sunlight sparkles
©CV, 2021

During my midday winter walk, I soak in the peaceful feeling nature presents. Watching life moving slowly, slows down the pace. Water sparkles; I watch diamond-studded shapes bounce in the water. A dog frolics, sprinting across the expansive grounds while a squirrel poses for a picture or two. The crispclean air fills the park. Conversations take on a different tone. Tranquility moves from nature to a space within the heart. 

Please listen to a song, O Day of Peace, befitting of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. 

Josh Garrels's soothing song delivers a reflective close to a day honoring a man of peace.

within the stillness
we can dream of peace for all -
in God we trust
©CV, 2021


I turn my Slice of Life thoughts over to Two Writing Teachers.


  1. "Tranquility moves from nature to a space within the heart."
    Thank you for these words ... beautiful.

    1. Kevin, thank you for joining me on this winter walk of peace. I would like to invite you to join my Sanctuary of Thought within my #WintersEmbrace2021 Gallery. ( I always love the artistic expressions (image poems) you create for my galleries. Peace to you on this crispcool winter day.

  2. Nature walks are always the best where "our soul whispers and finds stillness to withstand the strife of the outside world." Oh, I love that line, along with your opening description, 'winter dressed in muted blues'. I felt like I dropped right in on your walk. :)

    1. Debbie Lynn, thank you for sharing a crispclean winter walk with in my own little hygee moment. May this day bring you more comforting moments of contentment.

  3. Carol, thank you for this peaceful walk. With the tension permeating our country these days and the constant bombardment of anything but peaceful news hitting the airwaves, it is so important to turn off what is happening around us if only for a little bit and find the peace and comfort that nature provides.

    1. Bob, peace is so needed at this time in life. I am feeling peaceful this morning as the snow falls gently. Hope is in the air.

  4. Walks are my opportunity to find peace and tranquility. I oftentimes emerge from the woods a better person. Today your writing brought me virtually into the woods and I am better for it. Your combination of poems and photos soothed my soul. Thank you!

  5. Thank you for your comment and taking a walk with me. I felt the sweep of hope on my walk and wanted others to understand the power of nature as a nuturer of peace.

  6. Love the pics and the comfort your words bring. Waiting in a parking garage while my husband gets his vaccine - a blessed day!
