
Sunday, March 7, 2021

Another Day of Packing

March 7, 2021

Dear Interactive Digital Notebook,

I thought I would wake up with a fresh new dose of gratitude BUT the day turned out to be another helter-skelter one. All it takes is something small to flip the switch. I thought the person who did not pick up her purchase from Friday's online auction would arrive between 10-2. She did not. I moved from room to room in the house trying to cover all bases. That did not work. I tried to center my thoughts but that did not work since multiple texts and calls kept coming in. Now it is the end of  daylight hours and I am exhausted. 

What will I do? Will I finish the rest of the packing before Tuesday's moving starts at 8:00 AM? Not sure! There's still so much to do so that when I return to Long Island next weekend, I might have to pick up the remaining pieces that need to go to Virginia,  clean some more, and throw out some more trash.

I hope you are listening. Even without saying a word, I feel better knowing that I can write down my thoughts and perhaps, look back and laugh. 

I thank my trusty computer for recording these musings about moving and send thanks out to Two Writing Teachers for the space to communicate with other slicers.

Saddened but not giving up because there are slicers who bolster me up each day during my life move.

Just Me

 End of a Long Day of Packing

Proud Member of Two Writing Teachers Community since 2015


  1. I’m sorry the universe feels out of sorts for you today, Carol. Moving is so hard, and then waiting on someone makes the challenges even more difficult. Peace to you, my friend.

  2. Carol, sorry it was a rough day. There are lots of things I could say...It's always darkest before the dawn...Things will be better in the morning. These do not help. Just know that there are many of us out here pulling for you. You will make it through this.

    1. Love my daily dose of keep the fire burning; it's going to be fine.
      Slicers, like you, are such wonderful writing friends, Bob. Many thanks.

  3. Packing and moving is not only physically tiring, but emotional as well - you are sorting through the detritus of life. You are almonds done. Hang in there.

    1. Yes, to sorting through the detritus of life, Heidi. Thanks for the cheering me on thoughts.

  4. Packing and moving are exhausting both physically and emotionally. I'm impressed you're slicing during it as well!

    Sending you positive vibes!

    1. Positive vibes is exactly what I need, Pam. Thank you for stopping by.

  5. Sounds like a very challenging day. Packing, selling, moving are ALL big processes that take a lot of energy. I hope it helps to write about it....please know lots of us are rooting for you!

    1. Another cheerleading is just what I need. What a long day, so stress-filled but reading these comments before bedtime makes for pleasant thoughts. Many thanks.

  6. Kudos to you for sharing your move with us. Anyone who's moved knows the bone tired exhaustion you're experiencing. Sending hope and prayers that tomorrow will go better.

  7. Oh moving is not easy! I love that you are journaling and writing your way through it-- and through the hards times of this particular moment in time. Thank you for reminding me what a relief that can be -- to write your way through. All the best to you as you continue on this transition.
