
Tuesday, March 2, 2021

"Life Move" Tips-Day 2 SOLSC! #Sol2021

In the midst of a new life move, I need to slow down. There is so much to do; I rush around, jumping from small job to large one. Multitasking is no longer a plausible way to get to the bottom of my to-do list, nor is worrying about the move. What I need to do is seek balance when life becomes heavy. 

Balance was my guide word, my one word last year but you know what kind of year that was! I am ready for a small step plan. 

Tips for Today.
Breathe in. Exhale. - Pack with focus. - Find silver linings in what I do.
Pause intermittently. - Be grateful for small accomplishments.

Writing is a daily practice, an opening of my heart to the whispers of my soul. 

This post is the second in my March Musings 2021 series for Two Writing Teachers' March SOLSC! #SOL21. You can access the site here to read what the other slicers are saying as they begin Day 2 of their March Slice of Life writing journey. 

Proud Member of Two Writing Teachers Community
since 2015


  1. Hi Carol, thanks for your thoughts today! I really appreciate the idea of small step plans- just taking things one day at a time. In the current times, that's a great outlook!

    1. Maggie, it is good to meet you. Small steps are always the way to proceed when starting anew. I guess I got caught up in having to get everything done before I realized that I needed to slow down and focus for the last two weeks before moving from Long Island to Virginia.

  2. You are a wise woman, seeking inner balance when there's so much to do. This is probably one of the best lessons I too have learned in the past decade - when super busy, then pause and breathe.

    1. Inner balance gets tipped often. I tried to keep an even keel today but it's difficult when the phone starts ringing so I am back to pausing, reading, and responding.

  3. Balancing, breathing, and writing sound like good ways to stay grounded during a life moment like this. And welcome to Virginia!

    1. Thanks, Lisa, for joining me here. Do you live in Virginia? On March 15th when I close, I will be a full time resident of Virginia and only 1/2 hour away from my granddaughters.

  4. You really do need to take the packing slowly. It’s too easy to wrench your back or neck or do some other damage, even w/ seemingly easy tasks.

    1. Glenda, as silly as this sounds, even with extra thoughts on how to keep safe, I fell straight down on my kneels. I have the black and blue marks to prove that I need to slow down. Your comment offered the in to add this response so I must heed my tips.

  5. Carol, small steps get us to a destination just as hurried steps do. And we are often not as flustered we we get there. Yes, take time to breathe. Everything will work out.

    1. Thanks for the support and confidence that I can do this. It has been 38 years in this house and even though I annually clear out, there is always more I find. Having an estate sale is a big help. Let's see how much I can actually sell so I won't have to add more to the moving trucks.

  6. So true! I moved the week before Christmas and I needed your reminders. Good luck, it will all be done before you know it.

    1. Great meeting you and thanks for joining me here. Thanks for the good luck. I keep thinking about my beautiful new home in Virginia that is waiting for me. That will help me get through the bumps along the way.

  7. The breathing exercises are just what I need, Carol - along with those amazing black and white photos for focus, and your always-healing words of poetry.

    1. Early this morning, my breathing exercises help me transition to daybreak and now I have a quick writing time while the men are asleep. Thanks for always being filled with just the right words, Fran.
