
Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Spring's Magic 9

It's time to word weave, one of my favorite ways to play with thoughts. A new-to-me poetic form was shared last week by fellow poetry writer/slicer, Rose Cappelli. It is called the Magic 9 and it was developed by accident. "This 9-line poem does not have any rules as far as meter or subject matter--just a rhyme scheme: abacadaba". You can read more about this poetic form here

I share my first attempt at a Magic 9 poem based on a walk with my little granddaughters by the creek in my new neighborhood. Almost four-year-old Sierra rides her bike noting what is along the path. She excitedly discovers some dandelions. "Look Grandma, there are dandylions."  

Dandylion Surprise
Dandelions here and there
Pose in spaces by creek's side,
Swishing soft feathers in the air,
Waiting to toss little pillows
Of springtime wishes everywhere.
We laugh and run to find some more
As baby rides in her stroller chair.
Then, listen for nature's sigh of pride
While one large bird soars with flair.
©CV, 2021

It's Slice of Life Tuesday at Two Writing Teachers. I join this community of writers to express my thoughts in both prose and poetry. 


  1. Carol, I love the image your Magic 9 paints, especially with that last line as one large bird soars over the scene. Beautiful. I have actually written two Magic 9 poems, believe it or not! It was a prompt on Ethical ELA this past year. Ab(r)acadab(r)a! A very clever play on rhyming!

    1. Denise, I did enjoy playing with this format but it is not an easy one.

  2. Carol, this poem is magic...the magic of springtime...the magic of a child's excitement...the magic of discovery.

    1. Bob, the magic of springtime is slowly taking on the glow of summer with the heat but there is still a breeze. Have a wonderful day!

  3. Lovely, Carol. So glad you gave it a try.

    1. Thanks, Rose, for sharing this poetic form. Have a wonderful spring day.

  4. I can see this as a picture book, each line on a page...but then again, we might lose the rhyme scheme that way. A lovely picture of spring, and definitely an interesting poetic form!

    1. Chris, let me know if you write a Magic 9 poem. I would love to see your take on this format. I hope to see you next Thursday for SJT when I host with the the topic, Blossoming of Joy.

  5. I read this so early this morning on my phone. I love it and "dandylions" I don't think I had ever seen that way of spelling it, how perfect. I missed a reference in one of Rose's poems this month and she explained to me. Your rhymes and the capture of this perfect adventure (and I know first hand of which you speak and love) are so spot on and beautifully done. Hoping life in your new home will bring blessings and riches that will hold you always.
    Janet Clare F.

    1. Thank you, Janet, for joining me here, one Grandma to another. I thank you also for your well wishes on my journey. It has been challenging during COVID and certainly more cumbersome moving than I could ever imagine, it is worth it when I see the girls because I missed so much of Aurora's first year of life during pandemic times.
