
Thursday, August 26, 2021

Sweet Summer Surprises

This summer there have been many wonderful gifts that bring joy: grandchildren frolicking, nature walks along a creek, new friends, and the soft sounds of poetry flooding the corridors of my heart. It's a new beginning in a new surrounding and quiet blessings come with sweet surprises along the way.

SURPRISE #1After a nature walk with my grandgirls, I designed a digital collage of photographs I took during our walk. I blended them into a postcard similar to the turn-of-the-20th century ones I have in my collection. My thoughts are in the form of a dodoitsu but I took creative license in only using 4 syllables instead of 5 for the last line.

SURPRISE #2The long-awaited, face-to-face meet-up with my next-town neighbor, Poetry Friday poet-librarian, Linda Mitchell. I was running late when the doorbell rang but that was fine. We hugged as old friends would after Linda extended an unexpected housewarming gift.

Lunch, chitchat, plans for future poetic outings, and meet-ups were part of the afternoon fun. Linda left with two boxes of professional texts for her teachers, Wonderopolis swag, and books for her library. I happily said goodby knowing that two more boxes were removed from my stack of unopened items. 

SURPRISE #3: Linda devised an on-the-spot poem swap for us. I would send her some photos of my antique collection of early 20th-century prints by the famous illustrator, Harrison Fisher. She would write ekphrastic poetry for each print. She suggested that I write about her cookie, brownie, and cupcake treats. I added in the digital artwork, and a selfie of us (which I call an ussie when it is more than one person). A story-poem evolved from the above picture prompt.

SURPRISE #4: I created memories that were encapsulated in digital art and poetry while Linda shared her poetic thoughts through ekphrastic skinnies that you can find at her blog post, Poetic Luncheon

SURPRISE #5: I happened upon the following quote by a 20th Century poet, Lawrence Ferlinghetti.

"Poetry is eternal graffiti written in the heart of everyone."

Perhaps, Ferlinghetti meant that graffiti is a form of visual communication and poetry is the format to communicate the richness of what we see and feel. 


Join me for the Poetry Friday Roundup at EFL teacher and writer Elisabeth Norton's blog, Unexpected Expectations. There's a party of poetic thoughts going on.


  1. What an array of poetic treats you've shared with us today! How wonderful that you and Linda could meet in person and share some poetic time together. I love the quote you found, and your thoughts about it.

    1. Elisabeth, I am thinking of writing a what an artist knows poem for the Poetry Sisters’ poem. Stay tuned.

    2. That sounds wonderful, Carol. Have fun with that prompt.

  2. Oh, Carol. This post makes me SO happy! Two of my beautiful IRL friends meeting in real life! I hope there are many many more meet-ups in future - and wish I could be there with you both!🥰 The best!

    1. Kat, isn’t amazing to have a dear poetry friend nearby? I am so delighted to have spent time with Linda and plan on many more get togethers. -Carol Varsalona

  3. Love it! Sweet treats, indeed. And, that quote is perfect! I think my middle schoolers need to see that one! Thanks for a lovely meeting. I'm so glad you live in VA now.

    1. Linda, I would love to see your students’ thoughts on the quote and showcase their work in one of my galleries. Let’s think about that. I am thrilled to have you close by. Let the poetic sparks fly again and again!

  4. I'm so happy you two got face-to-face--and look at all the sparks that flew! The swap sounds like the promise of lots of fun work.Thanks for sharing your eternal graffiti (I'm thinking about a Ferlingraffiti poem...)

    1. I am thrilled to have met Linda face-to-face, Heidi. Sparks flew and promises of more poetry will become a reality.

  5. I look forward to you and Linda sharing your new poetry swap. So great that you are neighbors. I looked up Harrison Fisher and look forward to seeing some of his prints with Linda's poetry.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Janice. Linda has posted her poetry of some Fisher ladies and I am thrilled with her skinny poems she created. I am so thrilled to be close to Linda. I want to say we are about 15 minutes away from each other.

  6. Thank you for sharing "sweet surprises" - loving the pairing of poetry and visuals.

    1. Thank you for stopping by a few weeks ago, Carol. More sweet surprises of images poems will pop up in the end of summer gallery.

  7. So much sweetness in this array of poetic wonder, Carol. How wonderful that you & Linda got to meet & share together. I was so sad last year when NCTE was not going to be in Denver & now it's gone online again this year! Maybe someday?

    1. Maybe someday will happen, Linda. I was so surprised that my proposals over the past two years were not accepted but there is always hope for the future.

  8. Much poetic and friendly happiness here, Carol. Kudos to you and Linda for meeting and making plans. Fabulous friendships made deep with poems! I am sure you will both enjoy time together... Thanks so much for sharing. Love the "ussie!"

    1. I am finally coming round the bend and responding to friendly visits to my blog, Karen. It is great to have poetry friends sharing their thoughts.

  9. Ooh, I love the idea of digital collage. It's such a great way to take all one's treasures one sees along a walk and just keep them and share them. And how lovely to meet with other great poets! A very happy Friday to you!

    1. Tanita, I did not forget the #PoetryPals challenge. Since Linda and my wonderful meet-up just occured, we decided to share our poem swap. Guess what? I found my draft started at the beginning of the month and I will post it.

  10. That photo of you two.. JOY!!! Beautiful. Thank you for sharing all. xo

  11. Oh, I love that you and Linda met up! I also love hearing about all your new adventures in your new home. Every time I read about you spending time with your granddaughters, it warms my heart. Thanks for sharing all these delightful surprises and the poetry that sprung from them.

  12. Thanks for this Surprise-filled, feel-good post Carol–it's bubbling over with joy, and filled with a cornucopia of poems and images. How exciting that you and Linda were able to meet, thanks for all!

  13. Those radiant smiles! That is everything this Poetry Friday community is. And yes to Ferlinghetti. "Poetry is eternal graffiti written in the heart of everyone." :)

  14. That Ferlinghetti quote is the best! I'd not heard that. I am writing down the minute I quit typing here. How fun that you were able to meet up with an online poetry friend!

  15. What a fabulous bunch of surprises! I love it that two PF Peeps have connected IRL! Love the "ussie"!!

    1. PS--I would be honored for you to use my zinnias!

  16. Carol, I love all the sweet summer surprises. What a wealth of treasures here on this post. That "ussie" of you and Linda is so sweet, and made me smile and wish I could meet you both. Lovely! Your skinny is one of my favorites here, with the repetition of "homemade"--it makes me think of your warm home and the mutual love shared between you and Linda.
