
Friday, September 24, 2021

Welcome Autumn's Precious Gifts

Because autumn is an unparalleled season of grandeur, it deserves praise as it opens its season.

I spent the better part of this week creating several scenes inside and outside my new home to give praise and thanksgiving for autumn. Join me as I welcome through the lens of digital art and poetry one of my favorite seasons. 

Autumn's arrival-
season goes viral.
has no denial-
Autumn's an idol.
of earth's revival.
Picturesque idyll-

©CV, 2021 

The above poem is a laie, a French poetic form consiting of nine-lines that use and "a" and "b" rhyme in the following pattern: aabaabaab. The "a" rhyme iens are 5 syllable in length while the "b" rhyme lines are 2 syllable. I have looked at this format since Tricia Stohr-Hunt shared it at her May 21, 2021 blog Post.  


Gather autumn's precious gifts
in robes of golden sunrise.
Be glad for nature's blessings.
Gratitude abounds!
©CV, 2021 
The above poem is a dodoitsu poem created from the haiku oracle deck designed as a summer poetry swap gift from Mary Lee Hahn. It consists of four lines with a 7-7-7-5 syllable count. 

The digital photo above of my granddaughter and daughter in an apple orchard reminds me of the following quote from Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon: "It was a beautiful, bright autumn day, with air like cider and a sky so blue you could drown in it."

Gratitude Floats Through the Air

sweet smells of cider
bountiful trees of apples-
blessings of nature
©CV, 2021 

The Poetry Sisters offer a tanka challenge for September:  write a tanka, a five-line, 5/7/5/7/7 in response to an original poem from any of the Poetry Friday writers. After that, share it at Poetry Friday and add the tag #PoetryPals on social media.  Below is my response to Tanita Davis' tanks, Ode to the Pink Lady, from November 5, 2018. I chose this poem because it fits in beautifully with the digital artwork of my original picture at the apple orchard (above). 
Ode to the Pink Lady 

who needs pumpkin spice?
apples don’t – no camouflage
is necessary
even caramel* apples
are no match for fresh and crisp

Autumn's Morsels

seasonal delight
the succulence of apples
oven-fresh surprise
caramel, chocolate chips
tasty, little bites of fall
©CV, 2021 


Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall. – F. Scott Fitzgerald

As I begin this season, I pause in thanks as I notice that autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature." (Friedrich Nietzsche) For the soul-filling days ahead, I feel the peace of autumn days and excited to explore new regions in Virginia with my little granddaughters and family. May autumn soothe your soul! Here is a peek at autumn around the globe. Nature photos are from Terje Akke in Estonia and Jackie Yun in Hawaii. 


Thank you to my friend, poet Laura Purdie Salas for hosting Poetry Friday this month. She has been busy with her new move, writing a new book, and penning tankas for this month's Poetry Princess challenge.


  1. What a beautiful, beautiful post! So many pretty colors and images. I love the image of your daughter and grandaughter picking apples. My favorite is your laie...the rhyming words give it movement. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks for joining me. Linda. This weekend was filled with beautiful fall days with the grandgirls. We traveled to Upperville on those amazing Virginian country roads observing the rolling hills to meet my daughter and husband after their 35 mile bike ride chillange.

  2. What a cornucopia of beauty! So lovely, Carol! I love the tree pic and also your sentiments about fresh, crisp apples. Thank you! xo

    1. The photo of Sierra and my daughter under the apple tree is one of my favorite photos of the day, Irene. My apple pickings have given us many options for meals.

  3. It's a wonderful fall celebration, Carol! Wow! We certainly had fall come in this week. One day, the AC was on, next day, drop to 44 at night - heat on! I love that pic of your granddaughter in the orchard, loved reading about your visit, too. "tasty, little bites of fall" is what we all relish! Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Linda, it's the end of the weekend and the cool weather is moving in, exciting my family after the high temperatures. My son-in-law said that Saturday morning started at 48 degrees when he and my daughter went out into the country for the 35-mile bike ride challenge. That reminded me of your temps in Denver. We took the grandgirls for a country ride to the bike race to meet up with their parents. It stayed sweater weather throughout the weekend.

  4. What a beautiful delicious feast of words and pictures, Carol! I love autumn too. Love your theme of gratitude, and now I'm craving anything apple-y. :)

    1. Thanks for joining me as I celebrate autumn, Jama. Sierra, my 4-year old grandgirl is excited about Ashley's book. I can't wait to receive it. Thanks.

  5. It's a fall cornucopia, Carol! I love that laie--the sounds are just crystal clear and beautiful. And your tanka makes my mouth water! Thank you for all the delight on a Friday morning :>)

    1. Laura, thank you for responding to my post with the visual of a fall cornucopia. Autumn inspires me to blend poetry and digital art. Enjoy the fall and thanks for your beautiful poetry, fabulous interview, and delightful you tube video. I can't wait to show my little ones the cover of your new book.

  6. This is a full course autumn banquet! Love that my swap gift served you back a poem with your very own words as the main ingredient!

    1. Mary Lee, thank you. I love your that your comment revolves around an autumn dinner. As a matter of fact, I have been using the apples I picked in different meals. Enjoy fall.

  7. Oooh, robes of golden sunrise -- lovely, together with the succulence of apples! All hail all things autumnal!

  8. Delicious autumnal tribute Carol! Especially savoring your apple tree pic with daughter and granddaughter, and "Ode to Pink Lady" that honors the richness and full roundness of fall via apples, lovely thanks for all!

    1. Michelle, I have been excited to use the half bushel of apples we picked as inspiration in various creative endeavors, cooking, baking, and writing. Thanks for joining me here.

  9. You’ve given us so many gifts in this post, Carol! Art and words and beauty to remind us of such a glorious season. Thank you!

    1. Rose, my daughter tells me that the leaves change late in the season here in Virginia. I will have many more days of happy exploration of Virginia's beauty that will be embedded in my posts.

  10. Carol, you have filled your blog today with autumnal goodness. Wow. So much art and poetry. I can tell it's one of your favorite seasons. My favorite lines today:
    "Gather autumn's precious gifts
    in robes of golden sunrise."

    1. Denise, Autumn is such a glorious season. This weekend the family traveled to another beautiful part of Virginia. We soaked in the glory of rolling hills and curvy roads and yes, there was plenty of golden sunrise robes.

  11. Apples and fall and everything nice! I really enjoyed reading your poems, Carol; they reminded me I need to go apple picking pronto. Here in Connecticut, the Macouns are in!

  12. I'm loving the chance to experience autumn vicariously!

  13. I shared a dodoitsu as well today. I love the creations and welcoming of autumn.

    1. I just read your dodoitsus and commented, Jone. They are lovely and I found some interesting lines to make me think of autumn. Have a wonderful autumn week.

  14. These are beautiful, Carol! I love how you describe autumn as "Painter of earth's revival."

    So many wonderful celebrations of the season, and in different poetic forms as well! So many delights. Thanks for sharing your poems and photos with us.
