
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Connecting with October

There is something magical about October's crisp air and a countryside outing. When the weather report changed from rain to sunshine this past weekend, the family took advantage of the weather to celebrate autumn. What awaited us was a few hours of unequivocal joy. 

We packed up the grandgirls who stayed with us throughout the weekend and followed their parents to Buckland Farmer's Market. The country store was filled with the tastes of the season but I first followed the little grandgirls to the playground area. It was filled with large bouncy areas, slides, and structures to get lost in, like the huge corn maze. Excitedly, I edged myself toward the corn maze. 

I took the lead into the first pathway. My son, daughter, and youngest grandgirl were immediately immersed into a maze of corn stalks taller than any of us. Corn was all over. Being dazzled by the sunlight and walking paths, we sauntered through row after row. At times, we stopped to take in the sights. Other times, we tried different walkways only to find a dead end with no further path. Aurora was amazed by what she saw inside the maze.

corn maze connection
nature trail filled with pleasures
little eyes open wide
©CV, 2021

Upon leaving the corn maze, I joined my four-year-old grandgirl who was enjoying her Sunday funday time on the farm playground. A huge series of tires embedded in the earth awaited her. The first time trying to climb up was unsuccessful but determined to stand on top of the tire, she tried again. I could not believe how proud she looked as she found her balance.

poised above the earth
she finds her balance and smiles-
©CV, 2021

autumn memory
child and pumpkin connect-
hued splendor
©CV, 2021

Nature shines in color during the autumnal season inviting us to connect with the earth.

Autumn that year pained the countryside in vivid shades of scarlet, saffron, and russet, and the days were clear and crisp under the harvest skies.
-Sharon Kay Penmann

I've wanted to join the Inktober and Poemtober challenges this month but never seemed to find the time. The prompt for October 25th is connect. Since I love the word, connect, I made time to compose my ideas both in digital art form and poetry.

Today is Slice of Life Tuesday at Two Writing Teachers.
Thankfully, I join the writing community.


  1. Carol, October has so much to offer, vibrant colors, seasonal aromas, crisp but not uncomfortable temperatures, and tastes that are only found in Autumn. Glad you and your grandgirls got to share a glorious Fall day.

    1. Sunday was such a gorgeous fall day then the rains came. Thunder cracked so loud that we were all taken aback. The temperature was chilly, and life was dark but like your moment of golden sunlight, sunshine brought new hope and seasonal weather (to the point that I had to change clothes). October has much to offer as you said.

  2. Wow! Such imagery, both in picture and word form! I love this post for the warmth is gives me and the hope I feel reading the words.

    Thank you for sharing! :)

    1. Thanks for joining me here, Darin. Your comment warmed my heart and inspires me to find the time to write amidst the multiple items on today's to-do list.

  3. Moments with little ones make days such as the one you described add depth to life, the birth of deep joy. Yes, life catches up, but you've documented this experience (even if it's a day "late") to treasure and share with your granddaughters. (Forgive me replying almost a week late.)
