
Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Serenity of Snow

"The silence of peaceful slumber blankets the garden." 

Yesterday, as I entered the great room, I noticed a white setting peering at me through the dual fireplace and windows. Were my eyes deceiving me? In my haste to answer that question, I dropped my pillbox and many multi-colored little objects fell across the floor. A magical snow scene caught me by surprise, much like many winter pasts on Long Island, New York. 

Upon a closer look, a snowglobe winter lay before me. Astonished that the weather changed in a day's time from 60ish-degree, springlike temperatures to a freezing chill, I moved to the door and was greeted by a rush of cold breeze sweeping across the patio. Several inches of snow stood tall in the space surrounding the door.

Off of the front door entrance lay a pristine, Hallmark moment. The beauty of nature dusted in white confetti was serene. Appreciation for nature's gift of snow wrapped in winter flowed. I listened in the stillness and breathed in a silent moment of peace.


"To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake,
it is necessary to stand outside in the cold."


Winter Morn

my door to 
winter's magic in 
a domed, snowglobe world.
Glitter etched in untrodden snow, 
blankets earth. Sparkles from leftover
stardust settle like white confetti while flocked
boughs remain still as life wakens from a deep sleep.
I breathe in stilled-serenity,
like doses of medicinal bliss
cleansing my being,  and linger in 
the quiet of gray-sky blessings
to appreciate winter's embrace.
©CV, 2022

"Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly  hand, and for talk beside the fireplace: it is a time for home." -Edith Sitwell, British poet

Gather with me at Two Writing Teachers,
a meeting place for a world of reflective writers who offer their Slice of Life.


  1. It is amazing when the fresh snow falls and covers everything. So much beauty in the cold whiteness.

    1. Yes, Terje, I love fresh snow. Today, there is a combo of white and dirty snow on the main roads. Do you have a photo of winter in Estonia? Have a beautiful white week.

  2. Glitter etched in untrodden snow......such beautiful imagery, and you did it in a shape poem, too! Creative and lovely!

    1. Kim, in order to capture the shape, I had to reorganize the poem several times. Concrete poems are fun to create as is playing with words but you know this, too. Have a happy year with your new OLW. It was mine years ago.

  3. "The beauty of nature dusted in white confetti was serene" was a delightful sentence to read. Thank you for capturing the appreciation of a new snow!

    1. Megan, since Sunday was so warm here in VA, I was surprised that winter's weather could dip so low but perhaps that was meant to dazzle us.

  4. I love the image of the 'snowglobe world' - I live in your vicinity (Maryland) and I, too, was absolutely delighted and spellbound by this gift of a winter storm! I enjoyed reading your reflections. The poem with its shape like an evergreen/Christmas tree was lovely - especially, "I breathe in stilled-serenity," - yes, magic!

    1. Spellbound and gift are great words to describe the first snowfall, Maureen. I think the snow gave everyone an uplifting feeling amidst our COVID-infected world thoughts. Let's hope the magic of winter white can bring more smiles and magical moments into people's lives.

  5. Your slice - especially the "snowglobe world" really made me crave snow! It's cold here - but no snow yet... I love the pictures too!

    1. Thanks for joining me here, Ona. I had to laugh when I went out yesterday. It was 37 degrees and I felt it was balmy under a sunshined-sky day. My friend lives in Florida and she often tells me that when it is 60, it is cold. I hope to get more photos today as the temps dip down again.

  6. Carol, there is something magical about the first accumulating snowfall. We haven't had one yet. It is indeed a snowglobe world. Now, get some little bodies out there enjoying the snow followed by some hot chocolate in front of the fireplace and you have a perfect winter's day.

    1. Bob, my little ones enjoyed the first snowfall with their Daddy who happened to have the day off. There was sledding and a walk. Oh, to be that little and have no worries...

  7. Your magnificent shape poems glitters like crystal-covered trees, Carol. "Medicinal bliss" - I have always found snow to bring a holy hush, a deep peace, a balm to the soul. Many may not think of it as "winter's embrace" but show is cleansing, purifying, transformative - symbolizing blanket of blessing. Thank you for adding more sparkling color to the world, Carol (and that visual of multicolored pills that you dropped when startled - how vivid!).

    1. Fran, your responses always dazzle me with your complexity and depth of thought. I love reading your responses to my work and others. Thanks for always delivering AWEsome supportive statements and extensions to allow the writer to ponder futher.. Thanks for commenting on medicinal bliss. I was pleased when that combination flowed out. I shall think further about a blanket of blessing, especially when others negate the beauty of fallen snow. Off to finish my SJT blog.
