
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

#SOL22 March Musings-Day 1: Connecting

Welcome to the month of March.
March is
my time of year to write each day
with slicers in an artful way -
to think, to dream, and to create
small nuggets of thought worth their weight

Writing is a practice of the heart

For the past month, I joined Laura Shovan's 10th Annual February Poetry Project dealing with the topic of time. I read, researched, went down many rabbit holes, and wrote daily. Out of the 28 days, I submitted 26 poems in varied formats. Some poems were drafts, some quick writes, and others finished products. It was an inspiring period of time in which I connected with a supportive group of fellow poets. It was a time of learning and leaning on others. 

I now feel prepared to spend the month of March pondering my one word, appreciate, and writing slices of life on various passions of mine. Each year of the past seven years I participated in the Slice of Life Story Challenge, I  have looked at the art of writing through different lenses. This year, I plan on using the five different thumbnail images in the digital design above as writing prompts. The first film box shares a graphic design signifying creativity, an essential ingredient in the writing process and in art projects. It is with a creative spirit that I connect with fellow slicers of the Two Writing Teachers' community. May this month bring us all closer in our commitment to grow as writers.


  1. Appreciation, creativity, self-discovery - limitless possibilities for slicing. I am impressed that you can do two month-long writing challenges in a row.

    1. Terje, Thanks for writing from across the sea. I am surprised that I could take part in two major writing tasks this year but I have done this for several years now. Then, of course there is National Poetry Month and Poetry Friday's Progressive Poem. Writing is a practice and I indulge in it as much as I can. Happy Slicing!

  2. Carol, "to think, to dream, and to create" sums up what this month of daily writing is all about. The writing prompts you chose will lead to some wonderful writing. I look forward to sharing this writing month with you.

    1. Bob, I am looking forward to conversing with you also this month. We are in a happy slicing mood. I am not sure what will happen when I have my cataract surgery on March 15th but I am willing to give it a try.

  3. Love this, Carol. I love that you state your intentions for the month and I too look forward to being part of this community of writers.

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Elisa. Could you please send me your url address so that I can communicate with you this month? Thanks.
