
Monday, March 28, 2022

#SOL22 March Musings Day 28: Family Pictures

Are you the family photographer? I am always with my camera documenting family events with photos. It is one of my passions ever since I took a photography class in college. Capturing the essence of a moment is something I delight in so yesterday at my husband's "big birthday party, I I took multiple photos to find the right one that shared the joy of the event. This morning, I found a quote that will guide me as I continue to take photos.

"There is one thing that the photography must contain - the humanity of the moment." -Robert Frank

I would like to dig deeper into the photographic element of connecting with people in the moment as Robert Frank did in his photo taken in 1949. 

Capturing the Sensitivity of the Moment

sensitivity touches the soul
sensitivity touches the soul
©CV, 2022

I had difficulty synching up my two computers between Day 27 and 28. There were glitches that I just found. The links are correct now.

Thank you Two Writing Teachers for this daily meeting place to connect with a community of reflective writers.



  1. Happy Birthday to your husband! We love family BD celebrations. We usually celebrate at home and have more than one cake. For my birthday this year we went out to a restaurant and my kids made a cake at home too.

    1. Terje, thank you for your good wishes. Our cake brought by my daughter and her four-year-old was so wonderful with its chocolatey goodness. Cake is a great word that signifies so much happiness.

  2. I share your interest in photography. I wish I were better at composition as is shown in the photo you posted.

    1. I revised this post, Margaret, because my computers had syncing problems and I never finished this post this morning. The above photos is something I strive for in composition and sensitivity. I think I am going to spend National Poetry Month trying to better capture the sensitivity of moments and adding poetry.

  3. Happy birthday to your husband, Carol. There is an are to snapping the right photo, one that I have not mastered. I think that quote you found says it all. There is a reason why some photos emotionally affect us more than others do. The photographer found the humanity in that moment.

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes for Richard, Bob. All day I kept thinking about the delicious chocolate cake with the amazing fresh cream frosting. The quote is going to be a guiding star for me during National Poetry Month.

  4. Yes, I suppose I am the family photographer, and I stubbornly keep investing in modest digital cameras because their experience feels tangibly different from reaching for my phone. Amateurly, I aim for pictures that tell stories, analogous to the "humanity" that Robert Frank prizes.

    1. I do want to go back to feeling a camera in my hand but for now my new iPhone is a quick way to take a decent photo. I am committed to image poem writing during National Poetry Month, Brian. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Do you remember a couple of years ago, when Mary Lee did her whole April poetry month around old family photographs? I thought of that when I read the Frank quote and your poem. I can't wait to see what you come up with next month.

    1. I do remember that Carol. It was such a fun experience. I look forward to seeing your work also.
