
Sunday, March 6, 2022

#SOL22 March Musings Day 6: Quietness

I sit at my desk surrounded by the quiet of the house. It is peaceful. The only sound that breaks through is the electric shades rising. It is time to write.

Quietness Opens Day

morning breaks
gliding into the silence
of a new dawn

sounds of quiet
permeate through the house
worries subside

the pen strokes the page
delicate threads of thoughts flow
a slice of life sails on
©CV, 2022

Thank you Two Writing Teachers for this daily meeting place to connect with a community of reflective writers.


  1. I love morning writing (not necessarily early), but definitely quiet. The simplicity of your poem emphasizes the silence. My favorite line: "delicate threads of thoughts flow"

  2. Carol, there is something about the quiet of the morning. The world is starting to wake up. It's the perfect time to gather thoughts and jot them down.

  3. How great that you were inspired by the zoom meeting that we attended today. It was wonderful! I love your quiet and simple poem. It speaks to me and reminds me of the joy we feel from writing.

  4. Carol, you have a way with words, so peaceful. I especially like the middle stanza today. The "sounds of quiet / permeate through the house" is quite striking. I'm out of the morning habit of writing, but I would like to get back into it. Your post has given me inspiration.

    1. P.S. It was so great seeing you today, and hearing your wisdom!

  5. Like Alice, I like the analogy relating threads to thinking and writing -- the fitting combination of tenuousness and strength, of possibly ephemeral connection.

  6. Your slice captures the beauty of quiet morning writing. I love the soft lilt of each stanza, the way the words roll off my tongue. Beautiful!

  7. It was nice meeting you yesterday on the zoom call. This is a beautiful slice. I like the lines: the pen strokes the page
    delicate threads of thoughts flow
    They have a nice, smooth flow to them. It's a peaceful poem at a time that doesn't feel so peaceful outside.

  8. This feels peaceful and quiet and comfortable. "Sounds of quiet" resonates for me ... not ominous the way "sounds of silence" can feel. That quiet is alive with the movement of your pen across the page, and that feels like an old friend, like home.

    It was great to meet you on zoom yesterday!
